Kelvin Walker

times they are a changin’ .... somethin’s blowin in the wind

I wonder which of the 3 console manufacturer’s games ship with the most bugs. Which console has the most 1st party games requiring patches?

love to the snow monkeys!

troll says what?

So your reaction is that the writer is simply complaining?


I love my family... but I’m so disappointed in their complete lack of understanding how this changes my world and reality. I NEVER thought I had this option.

When Fable 2 came out, I posted in these very threads at Kotaku, that I was glad as a gay man to play the character as gay. I got death threats and cancer wished on my mom. Since then I have consistently seen a decline in this community’s hate. So much has changed.

Its a great day to celebrate. LGBT allies need to know — your friends, depending on state and zip code, can still be fired from their jobs and evicted from their apartments just for being LGBT. I’’m celebrating with my straight friends and gay friends today.

that is virtually heartwarming... :)

how does this relate to gamergate?

I just posted thanking the Ko community and it disappeared! Thanks again allies

When Fable 2 came out, I posted in these very threads at Kotaku, that I was glad as a gay man to play the character as gay. I got death threats and cancer wished on my mom. Since then I have consistently seen a decline in this community’s hate. So much has changed. I want to thank the Kotaku community members who have

I would say, without knowing the other posters answer to your question, at least they seem to be applying their own opinion or hang-up to everybody.

That’s the way to be Right, right?

I am celebrating!!! but, always a butt, expect a slew of Religious Liberty Exemption laws to be introduced. Here in Fl, I can still be fired if the boss finds out I’m gay. We’ll see how long that lasts though... you can’t fire someone for being married.

reviews can be opinionated..... is that surprising? Most mainstream reviewers pan the movies I love, I’m guessing we like very different movies. Just dial it back. Said in “Ted 2” Ted’s character’s voice, imitating his own voice: “This review wasn’t hateful, the truth hurts.”

That is such a “Ted 2” insult.

Call it like you see it

“We still are exposed to the brunt of the American marketing machine only to discover that so much of it is out of reach.” So you drive. Problem solved. I do it too because its easy. I was being reactionary. I’d move to Canada if I could.