and avocados, and half popped popcorn, bus fumes and freshly polished brass, the entire works of.... I can dream
and avocados, and half popped popcorn, bus fumes and freshly polished brass, the entire works of.... I can dream
Sony should initiate a Kickstarter to solve this problem.
In the era of the “Epic Fail” on social media, this is great free advertising.
Thats why the original Matrix failed. People need to be convinced it was real by the flaws. You should know that Dozer.
“ really isn’t the gameplay that has me posting it. Look at that art!” Hmmm
Yikes... that sounds amazing. I’m getting into Splatoon now because I like the team fps shooter genre, but have gotten tired from no innovation. Now I’ll follow it
MUCH better video, now I’m at least interested
I don’t think you need to bring up the “dated graphics” argument. This gameplay segment looks boh-ring. Being “free to play” also means the in app purchases will be annoying. Surprise, it’ll be cross play with Vita... has that been announced yet? And android/iOS app tie ins? I’d rather plat Splatoon
Turok on N64 had cyborg dinos! One boss had this cool red laser beam sight that swept the area. Looks freaky fun.
Agreed. That’s because they aren’t considered good games to play. Chess is a great example. The game isn’t improved by more detailed pieces(graphics). Any game defined by its graphics is doomed to the criticism that it “looks like crap”. Then again, I’d def give Kameo another try... I didn’t get far, but I can’t…
If you don’t want to die by a bullet from a gun, cities are safer. Some people like the things a city offers that are impossible in rural areas. Hearing a variety of accents, spoken by a variety of foreign nationals and new citizens, on a daily basis, is a wonderful experience.
Blast Corps toooooo?!!!?! damn damn damn... that was such a different game, loved it
Holding up is a good metric, but it should also be damn fun to play. I hope it will, because I was frustrated by the frame rate, so couldn’t get very far.
“ 2002, Microsoft spent $375 million to buy the talented studio, turning it into an Xbox developer in what at the time was a huge coup.” It wasn’t a coup. Nintendo sold their stake willingly and on purpose. The original “creative” people had left and the games coming down the pipe line were.... not well received…
and you didn’t quote it, just like the article
With a solid frame rate! I can’t wait to enjoy it. This is a system seller, for me.
Blast Corps!!??!!! I’m in.
walk into a grocery store... steal that pack of gum, drop it in your pocket... and boom... you can eat it... its just old gum... right?
PROTIP? you make it sound like 3 keystrokes to pirate. Do you enjoy these games you “PROTIP” procure? tHAnks for the tip, rip.
File under: juvenalia