Kelvin Walker

I can see a mode where a team has to fill in a large graffiti style image. Dipping into pools of different color ink. Not crotches tho... more like a bundle of strawberries or grapes.

YES! Vulva.

He is a pussy.

why no ‘lady parts’?

A little Georgia O’Keeffe

great game, great article

Art school drop out? (will this post?)

next he should draw a taint

I wonder what he’ll draw when he discovers women.

Boys and their dicks. Just wait until he discovers the clitoris.

And people wonder why the game doesn’t have voice chat.

beautiful games

** spec-whore squealer hipster **

So freaking cool! I totally forgot how the box art looked! Thankyou for that


No love for Adventure, aka Colossal Cave, or Zork? No M.U.L.E.?!!?

This reminds me of 9 Lazy 9

I enjoyed Mario Galaxy on its platform. The controller was fine.