I’m just trying to understand how your “taste” for a game is related to your “taste” for a console, and why you would “buy the shit out of” Nintendo games if they were published by Microsoft.
I’m just trying to understand how your “taste” for a game is related to your “taste” for a console, and why you would “buy the shit out of” Nintendo games if they were published by Microsoft.
I’m still not understanding why you would buy the shit out of Nintendo games if they were on Xbox. fwiw, how would you react to someone who said they would buy the shit out of Microsoft exclusives if they were on PS4?
Yes, I know wishful thinking: I’d like my sister more if she was a dude, I don’t like McDonalds but I’d buy the shit out of their food at BK, and I’d buy more Ninty games if Microsoft sold them. Your post seemed sincere and naive, not self aware “wishful thinking”. Didn’t mean to offend.
You did say you would “buy the shit out of their titles” on a different console. You explain you don’t want the new titles enough to “deal” with WiiU... are you saying you would “buy the shit out of” Nintendo’s old titles if they were on competitor’s new consoles? Of course to each their own, but you claim to like the…
Why is it that players who value realism in games are so willing to dismiss physical gestures as gimmicky? For the Wii, motion control was central to the platform, so by definition it was not a gimmick, it was a core feature that differentiated the system from competitors, in a very distinct and objective way.…
True. Likewise, popularity among soccer moms and children doesn’t equal bad either, as you seem to imply. Similarly, cutting edge specs don’t equal good. Motion control is not a gimmick. Its also worth noting the current “it girl” , Oculus Rift, uses motion control to enable its intended function, just as the Wii did.
and a cute price point
You’ve moved on from the company and the hardware, but would still “buy the shit out of their titles” on PS & Xbox. I don’t understand.
If you can afford to “buy the shit out of” Nintendo titles, you can certainly afford a WiiU to play them on. Your comment is a bit like saying you’d buy tons of Apple software, if it ran on Android.
I want it on mobile.
How is Super Mario 3D World not a main game?
Call strategy meeting to save company. Wait 24 hours for attendees to show... or pay $0.99 to hold meeting now.
The future holds winners like Veggy Crush Saga and Plants Vs. Droughts.
Let me helicopter in and drop a comment (this one will suffice). Don’t bother replying though, I’m already in another thread posting the same thing.
Animal Crossing on WiiU???!!?!?!?!?! That would make me go totally N64 christmas kid!
Don’t some new mobile phones have an HDMI port? I think Ninty will come out with something that straddles mobile and home console. A new 3DSxl with the power of WiiU and then some would be nice.
In 2009 Amazon went a step further and deleted books from Kindle owners actual physical devices. Imagine the uproar if Sony did the same? I wouldn’t doubt the ability to do so is in the user agreement we all click thru to use the network.
Dude Bros in college liking Call of Duty and Madden is a sign that gaming is going mainstream?!? That’s a joke right?
Nexon is now running backwards, firing a volley of apologies to hold off a horde of materializing lawyers.
Its not that I really WANT to make a connection. The connection is already there. I noticed it, lol’d, and posted. I hope I’m not sounding like a jerk. Badum-bum - I’ll be here all week, tip your waiters. ;)