I just think its funny such a practice exists, so when I hear the word I laugh. I figured I would share it with the world!
I just think its funny such a practice exists, so when I hear the word I laugh. I figured I would share it with the world!
got it. I never listened to them so wouldn’t know the transformation, but I get you. That does happen.
thank you!
Bands shouldn’t be expected to produce the same style throughout their career though.
Lots of people don’t write music with guitars. Some write with just percussion. Also, even though there is a finite number of playable chords, there is no limit to the various sequences those chords can be arranged in. There will always be room for original work in every medium. There will always be something new to…
1st - no question is dumb.
I wonder if the slang sex word Sounding / Sounder is related. “to probe” would make sense.
“Sounding” is a word for a particular practice that some men find sexually exciting and pleasurable/painful. Grammatically, that would make a “Sounder” someone who engages in the practice.
It’s there. Posted from a chrome browser
Ok Triumph... good boy... you pooped on it.
Its tragic she didn’t receive the support in life people are stepping up to give now. I wonder if she knew of game designer Danielle Bunten Berry. DBB made one of the earliest games I enjoyed, M.U.L.E. She was an inspiration to me.
Are you trying to kill me with kindness? Its working. Cheers, here’s to a virtual beer.
This is an amazing time for gay civil rights, and I’m not troubled by your exhaustion over hearing about it. Gay and trans people are exhausted of being conspicuously absent from games and other media. Not caring about the fight for equal protection implies you already take it for granted... for yourself. You say…
So some trans people you know personally say it and you are 50/50 in agreement with them. OK. I can’t argue with that.
Thats funny. GTA is cause blockin’ you. I know the feeling all to well.
“avail of the deals” means finding the deals useful or of value.
Looks amazing. If the gameplay keeps up... damn
This town is big enough for both. Why do so many people act like its football, where one team is the winner and one the loser?
This literally made me say oh my god. Thank you for that clear response. Now I understand. In three short paragraphs you gave me a quantum leap in understanding. Sincerely, thank you again.
We all exist within a social construct.
“...as some of them would say, gender is a social construct...” who is them? And do you agree with them?