Kelvin Walker

“I will be as disappointed as you if that discussion does not happen” Glad to hear it. It may not seem so, but I get that necessary discussions don’t need to be a part of EVERY discussion.

Its worth noting she lived her private and personal life bravely open. Open about being transgender, and open about the bigotry she experienced for it. I agree its good to remember the talented programmer aspect of her. It just seems a strange omission to me. Its as if the tribute/obit/article/remembrance is in the

“...that her parents can read with happiness.” That’s loaded. Implying I have a short attention span is below you.

A legacy left by a trans woman. Choosing to ignore she was trans does not equal acceptance that she was trans. In fact, not mentioning she lived openly and authentically as a trans woman promotes invisibility. She lived openly, and it should be honored here, not omitted.

removed my comment... I was just venting

I was surprised by this article. Its a bit of a whitewash, isn’t it. Purposeful omission or misstatement of basic facts is bad, calling suicide passing away is wrong and misleading. Additionally Rachel didn’t hide being trans, why does this article? If Rachel had been a video game character, I fear her special power

I couldn’t disagree more. This article is the opposite of respectful. Respectful would be reporting Rachel didn’t just pass away, as the title says. Suicide is very serious and real. Omitting the fact that she ended her own life from the article is very strange. Respectful would be detailing that she experienced

I can assure you, this game does not accurately represent a majority of the Pony Play community. ;)

Just asking how they are different. I figured someone here would tell me how this is “not” a speed run to max level. Sorry, just trying to understand speed running, I thought this thread would help.

Now we know why Microsoft bought crafty for $2.5B.

Glitches allow the player to skip entire portions of the game. Can one speed-run a marathon by taking short cuts?

doesn’t using glitches allow the speed runner to skip entire portions of the game? Why don’t speed runners qualify this as speed running to 70, employing exploits in the leveling system?

and pausing sections and redoing them until perfect, then adding the accumulated time? Isn’t that a technique too ?

I don’t understand, how is this different than using glitches and ‘exploits’ in speed runs?

How is this different than using glitches in speed runs?

Its funny to see how many posters here have something negative to say about a gay character. Some say its pandering, some say a publicity stunt, and others simply say the game will be less fun, less escapist with a gay character. To those I say, grow up, stop whining and realize gaming isn’t just for you. If an out

His Fatality is ripping your nuts off and plugging your ears with them, so you won’t hear your own death gasp while being curb stomped, all in a hyper-masculine aggressive style, like Marcus Fenix in Gears, only tougher and totally gay.

Gay gamers want escapism too. Its easier if there are gay characters. You don’t realize it because you are kicking back for 15 min playing a character that likely resembles you, a straight male, probably white. Why is it so hard to understand I’d like to escape too? “Straight people is not a controversial subject.”

Glad to hear it. We all need allies.

Sarcasm noted. I’d still put money on you never having had to fight for equal protection under the law. Though I’d probably lose.