Kelvin Walker

“The whole community functions on it not being monetised, monetising it just totally damages the whole system at a fundamental level...” I totally agree. Can’t people share their mods outside of Steam’s profit motivated ‘community’? I’m not in the mod community. Do the developers send out legal threats to modders like

Why does including a gay character get slammed as political? As if never having them included before isn’t political? You’ve never had to fight for equal protection under the law, have you. Thats the only reason you could call civil rights a “social hot topic”. Can a “hot topic” last 2 hundred years? Longer? Realizing

Think about them, think long and hard. Think long and hard.

Getting an out gay character in the game is a win.

Words of truth! I think I love you.... no, no... I KNOW I love you, even tho I don’t know u

I don’t think I was clear enough for the people reading your post and my response. To be clear, my question about math and Asians was a joke. I was trying to illustrate the preposterous nature of the previous poster, wondering whether commenting on “all women’s boobs” was offensive.

The fact that you didn’t realize I was joking to make a point means you either didn’t read the entire post or... (i’m too polite to finish that thought)

Agreed, though I was wondering if it’s racist to say all asians are good at math. Its a compliment, right? It’s worth noting the poster thought “small boobs” might be offensive to women... as opposed to what though? big ones? Its questionable only in his mind. Of course it’s ignorant. Ignorance is covered by free

I just don’t understand why people blame Microsoft for Rare’s downfall. IMHO Nintendo saw the work Rare was producing, what was coming down the pipeline, and they realized the quality of the content wasn’t worth anywhere near the 1/3 of a Billion dollars Micro was offering, so they sold it.

At 3min Alison Tieman says “I want to help and protect someone”. Someone. And she settles on men’s rights!??! She may as well be helping and protecting gambling in Las Vegas.

“Get out of here with that crap.” LOVE YOU!

“...Don’t ignore other issues that may disagree with your feminist leaders...” The phrase “your feminist leaders” is hilarious, I’d love to hear an alien use that one - “take us to your feminist leaders”. Just dumb. I would say essentially the same to you, don’t ignore the criticisms GG detractors level just because

Sarcasm noted. They were booted for disruption, and there isn’t anything ironic about it. If GG is really about ethics in journalism, why didn’t the badgers hold a panel on that subject themselves? (that was rhetorical) Because they don’t really want a discussion. They want to feel like they are a part of some fight

Perfectly put. I love a good and reasoned argument that ends with barf on shoes as an example. Using the KKK in the same sentence, in this context, nets a point multiplier. Exposing false associations and equivalencies nets you triple bonus and multi-ball!!! If your post was pinball, the machine would be making that

Exactly true. Its similar to people thinking two men or two women holding hands is “pushing it down the public’s collective throat”. These GGers seem to think promoting diversity is a threat to some bizarro concept of community purity. I wonder the racial breakdown. It wasn’t sooo long ago that black representation in

abso-lute-lee agree

BOOM! very well put

ok, I get what you mean, but still, that additional audience isn’t being exposed to the actual product, so its debatable that the product is reaching a wider audience. Its a similar product reaching a different audience. I don’t think thats splitting hairs.

Just about any aspect of a mature game will appeal to some and repulse others. Not everybody wants to play a game that allows the player to beat down a prostitute and steal their money. Of course you can argue that this outrageously criminal and heinous anti-social behavior is integral to setting the tone... and you

I don’t get why you think the phrase “wider audience” is so evil. Its a basic tenet of most businesses. If it wasn’t for the developers and publishers following that basic business practice, no tea no shade, you wouldn’t be playing your favorite AAA games... because they wouldn’t exist. If you make something to