
I don’t think they’re identical twins. I could tell they weren’t (at least I think so), and it was very distracting for me occasionally.

Except, if you look closely, they weren’t burned. They were dead before the fire reached them. How’d that happen? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Young Osha and Mae fully took me out of the episode. I don’t know if it was the actors themselves as child actors can be very hit or miss or if it was how they were written, but nothing about them felt natural. Some of the dialogue and staging was just painful. I wish the whole episode wasn’t a flashback because

I’m staggered that the takeaways about this episode (from competent writers) seems to be “that’s not how fires work” versus “boy there’s a lot of subjective point of view and something is very off here.” 

You made me look up the ages of both because Drew Carey is no spring chicken. Drew is 66 and Robert is 72. 

Star Wars needs its spin-off show focused on a droid uprising or something. Disney acted like they wanted to explore these ideas with Rogue One and Solo, but it’s still all wishy-washy. Let’s see a droid main character grappling with his sentience - they can still make it kid friendly. Just pick a lane and stick with

I honestly agree. They seem to be implying in some places that the increased capabilities of droids are newer. eg. the whole thing about using droids for repairs instead of mech’nics seemed to be recent politics? And there’s been a lot of talk about “newer” and “older” models. It sort of suggests a situation where

Well, they are not human. They are droids. AI.

i dont think george created them to be an allegory and ive always thought of their personalities as glorified user interfaces 

Eh, I’m fine with ‘don’t pay too much attention’ for things like how light sabers work, etc., but it feels like “these characters are clearly people and yet they’re treated as property” is an issue that it should resolve at some point.

I mean, there are several droids in Star Wars who are clearly sentient and we know that they are considered property, so it’s a rather uncomfortable issue for the franchise. And I don’t know whether this is something that’s still canon or not, but at least at one time it was clear that droids regularly had their

Star Wars is not Star Trek, and that’s just fine. There’s lots of problematic stuff in Lucas’ original vision, and it doesn’t always make sense. If anything, when they try to explain things, it just makes things worse.  Yes, midichlorians and parsecs, I’m looking at you two.  Star Wars has never been about big ideas,

I don’t want every episode of DW to be like this. But if they are going to aim for contemporary satire or allegory with a critical eye, I’d prefer it if they swing big and miss than not try at all. And this one landed for me.

I only watched this episode once. I felt a sense of dread throughout much of it, but I was able to compartmentalize it and keep it moving. But, near the end, things got really uncomfortable because I was seeing myself in The Doctor’s shoes.

The Dune 2 bucket IS the backend....

Dude, if they make a Dr. Phibes action figure, take mah monnneay!!!!

Yes but how are its number on the BBC’s iPlayer? If the show is being released online well before it airs, the ratings are shifting elsewhere. 

I am absolutely not apprehensive about this movie anymore, they seem to have hit a lot of notes adhering to the weirdness.
Keaton is really having a Renaissance, his comback from nowhere has been supported by talent and good decisions on projects. 

well now i can’t wait

If Netflix were to pull a move like D+ did when they filmed the stage production of Hamilton and made it available to stream, I would absolutely re-up my sub to watch this.