
I think at the time, there was so much talk about Hendricks “transformation”, she had been seen NON-NUDE in Playboy and looked fairly normal B to C cup, even on Firefly she had grown into a double D, but when “Mad Men” airs suddenly she’s a triple G.
I suspect the questions were more in regards to HOW did this happen a

I love these stories, I never tire of them. This is a fascinating concept for a tiny pickup truck! 

Here is your preview of the UFO report next month... these phrases will be said over and over...
Not Aliens...
Not US...
We Are Looking Into it.

The only thing missing will be...
Maj. Eaton : We have top men working on it right now.
Indiana : Who?
Maj. Eaton : Top... men.

I don’t know who the third model is, but I’m in love! She has amazing eyes!

“embarking” = “emrocking” NOPE! This is now how the Flintstone naming conventions work. You might have gotten away with “emboldering” or “emgraniting” or even “empebbling” but not “emrocking” FOR SHAME! LOL

I don’t know what’s up with the production design, or the make-up but holy shit did they make Melissa look terrible in that last episode. I know it’s not here, here a photo on set, she looks lovely. But fuck that episode’s lighting or make-up people. Jesus...

When he decided to play Picard again as a whimpering old, apologizing, woke fuck. He was removed for consideration.

I bought one of these and was very much looking forward to it, but it was shipped in the “on the shelf” box, with no packing. When I opened the box it look just like a bag of broken pinball machine parts. Fortunately, they gave me a refund.

I bought one of these and was very much looking forward to it, but it was shipped in the “on the shelf” box, with no

If you work in the industry, this is all that has to be said in the matter. They ran a tape to it. 

Don’t forget that Alan Arkin played Clouseau in 1968 in a non-Edwards version called “Inspector Clouseau” it did not do well. 

There are a lot of Perry Mason episodes missing... two full series in fact.

If there was a least helpful article today, I’d like to know what it is. I’m not sure starting the story with something that no longer exists is the right play here, unless you are talking about bigfoot or UFOs.

I purchased one of the TYY Star Projector, Galaxy Projector and Star Light Projectors, it was shipped in the “Store Shelf” box, and not bubble wrap or put in an shipping box! It arrived via USPS as a bag of junk. WTF? I know Amazon over packs things, but slapping a label on a store shelf box is beyond stupid. It

I purchased one of the TYY Star Projector, Galaxy Projector and Star Light Projectors, it was shipped in the “Store

I know next to nothing about cars, but I love coming here and reading/watching these articles. I’ll be a petrol head yet! Thanks for these!

It’s 100% fake, but still funny! So three out of five stars!

100% Wrong... I have few joys in life better than watching the reaction on my GF’s face when sees the Paw Patrol drum kit I bought for her daughter! Sure it costs me some sex, but 100% worth it. #YesI’mABadBF LOL

Perfect translation!

How is it a god can’t get over a guy she knew for a week and fucked once 70 years ago?