I’m pretty sure Good Day LA would take her, now that Steve Edwards was “removed” I’m sure they would have her there. It’s kinda of a Fox outlet. LOL
I’m pretty sure Good Day LA would take her, now that Steve Edwards was “removed” I’m sure they would have her there. It’s kinda of a Fox outlet. LOL
SCTV still holds up for me, but mostly because I’m old enough to know who they were parodying, and their production crew went out of their way to make things look spot on, despite an incredibly low budget.
I hate this story the more this lie is perpetrated. The auction house was absolutely in on it. As stunts go, it was a good one. But the idea that this art work was going to be destroyed as a message is non-sense. You will never convince me that Sotheby’s didn’t crack that frame open or at least x-ray it due to it’s…
Nice... take your god damn star! LOL
I bought one of those TaoTronics Mini USB-Powered Sound Bars and I have to admit it was very tinny sounding. I agree the price is good, but the audio is not, I returned it ASAP.
I bought one of those TaoTronics Mini USB-Powered Sound Bars and I have to admit it was very tinny sounding. I agree…
It’s Pixy Stix not Pixie Sticks, we fucked that up when we flipped a bit trying to get “Smokey Bear” turned back into “Smokey The Bear”. We’ll add this to the ever growing list of things we have to fix. Including C3P-0's silver leg, the “Mr. Roger’s Theme Song” and finding that fucking dash in the Kit-Kat bars.
It seems to work exactly like it does in the movies. You can show any depiction of violence you want and just barely get an R-rating, show sex, it’s a guaranteed R or NC-17.
I’m pretty sure that Kanye was telling him what to say about Lee in his ear piece.
So MadTV had it right all along!
That threw me too, it went back across the net and was in. I guess the opponent must have to make contact with it. Love comes from, “Sorry Love... you’re a loser”. Deuce comes from, “Oh you left a stinking deuce on the court there!” The court is green not blue... though there’s debate about that with a dress mentioned…
I bought one of those Oria 76-in-1 Gadget Repair Toolkit, and I use it three times a week, it will open just about anything. Worth every penny!
I bought one of those Oria 76-in-1 Gadget Repair Toolkit, and I use it three times a week, it will open just about…
I have this exact bag and love it for cons! Holds way more than you would think.
I have this exact bag and love it for cons! Holds way more than you would think.
Even if your phone was in “silent” mode, the tone and text still came through, the ONLY real way to block it, is to turn off the phone. Which is what I did to avoid the Tantrum and Chief.
It was easy, the Metro’s were made from coffins, if you crashed in one, handles just unfolded from the sides and they bury you just as you are. Plus the distance between the cabin and engine was less than an inch, I think I rested my foot against the fan belt a few times by mistake.
I bought like six of them over the years, it got 55mpg and went 0 to 60 in well under two minutes! I miss my Metros.
It should be noted, Logitech’s Harmony Elite mentions that has RF abilities, but that’s only between the remote, and the hub. It CAN NOT control any RF devices sadly. :(
It should be noted, Logitech’s Harmony Elite mentions that has RF abilities, but that’s only between the remote, and…
Let’s put this to the test, shall we? I give you “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Last Jedi”.
There is only one small downside to using your own cable modem, and that is the cable company will not help you diagnose any issues in downtime, or lack of connectivity to their service. For me it’s worth the $30 a year to have them replace it, or fix the unit 24/7. (and once I had them come out late Sunday night to…
There is only one small downside to using your own cable modem, and that is the cable company will not help you…