
They did such a great job... except on Woody’s nose! In the Toy Story films the under bit of his nose is totally flat, but here they have him a rounded undernose. It’s a small detail, but how do you fuck that up?

I’ve had a vasectomy for 35 years now, I was not coerced into have it done. Here is the secret they don’t tell you. After you get a vasectomy sex gets so much better! Like magnatudes better! So if you can get a free vasectomy... do it!

Do we still need wax statues? Isn’t global warming making this harder and harder to keep in tact? Perhaps wax statues should go the way of the circus.

I love the Blue Man Group, I’ve seen them ten times, and done the VIP thing six! It’s the best show and VIP experiece I’ve done in years, and the price is right. I think this worries me a bit to see Cirque buying them out. :(

I’m so old that the simulators we used in high school were manual simulators. They didn’t have automatic ones yet, so it’s all I’ve driven since. You seem to have way more control over the car with a manual, and it takes me like 30 minutes to remember how to drive an automatic when I’m forced to do so, when driving a

The first woman that goes into the oval office without a bra on, I suspect Trump will nuke someone just to get a closer look and impress her with his style.

Don’t know, but I’ll look into that. Thanks! Looks like the only difference is the Scott Wipes are less expensive, but don’t come in individual packs. I like just having five or six in my travel bag. But you are right, the Scott ones are generally cheaper. :) Cheers!

Don’t know, but I’ll look into that. Thanks! Looks like the only difference is the Scott Wipes are less expensive,

I hate to admit it, but I love Dude Wipes, I travel a lot and they really come in handy!

I hate to admit it, but I love Dude Wipes, I travel a lot and they really come in handy!

Let’s just be honest and admit that, “Urinating on a Jellyfish Sting will Sooth the Pain” was created by somebody who likes watersports. R. Kelly, I’m looking at you brother!

You only have to read one book, “She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman” it really great, even if you think you are good at it already, this improves your game dramatically!

I think you have to sleep in a very dark room for it to keep working, I sleep in nearly pitch blackness (covered windows, no light sources except a little light coming in from under the door) and it has worked for me for months. I don’t use it as my only alarm, because well, OCD, it’s not just a way of life, it’s OCD.

I think you have to sleep in a very dark room for it to keep working, I sleep in nearly pitch blackness (covered

There needs to be a “48 Hours Mystery” or a documentary about the world of Cars, and why are there school buses in the Car’s universe. Really enjoyed this, it was great to see Ray & Jay thinking. Next please sit down with George Lucas and ask him, why did you turn a beautiful concept like the Force in 4, 5 and 6, into

I used to love how Tina Fey would call out Bill on SNL.

I bought two of these, one for my girlfriend, one for me, and we both freaking love them, they turn the Mac into a much more typeable device!

I bought two of these, one for my girlfriend, one for me, and we both freaking love them, they turn the Mac into a

Don’t you have to HAVE character in order for it to be assassinated? And you can’t spell assassinated without two asses!

I would very much like this to be a completely CGI created person, and that it’s just a test by ILM, or similar effects house of how we can get past the uncanny valley, with a valley girl.

Very Max Headroom!

Here is my meager contribution...

I’m the first to tout stuff I bought from this list, so I have to be the first to complain about something as well. I bought five of the Leviton Programmable Light Switchs when they were $22. But the thing I found out, is they are so big, they don’t fit into the space a normal rocker swtich fits. I tried several times

I’m the first to tout stuff I bought from this list, so I have to be the first to complain about something as well.

First, this article is too fucking long for a discussion of TP? Second, if it’s 1 ply, then 3, if it’s 2 ply, then 2. Followed by a flushable hygenic wipe. Third, I will never convince the girl, NOT to make a beehive of TP around her hand, it just can’t be done... god knows why?