taking your ass to FlavorFight Town haha.
taking your ass to FlavorFight Town haha.
this is why I come to Jalopnik...premium content. anyone? okaybye.
as a motorcyclist I’ve never understood the car kick by some bikers. you will (almost) ALWAYS lose against a car if the driver decides to swerve. this biker somehow lucked out and stayed up. what a senseless shitshow.
shooo doggy being a multimillionaire is hard. shoo doggy.
yup, same here. going in early july and was gonna come from SF south. what a mess.
I wonder if the closures will change the volume of drivers. I was planning on going south from SF as far down as possible but have a nagging suspicion others might do the same. sounds like a cul de sac of doom with an ocean view.
similar. I have a trip there 7/1-7/7. was wanting to drive from SF to LA but knew some parts of HWY 1 would be a shit show. I guess we’ll go south as far as we can but backtrack to catch the 101 all the way around. boo.
AMEN, brother. I get it that law is law but sometimes when I see these stories I just think that these tuner shops are low hanging fruit and non-threatening targets vs. taking on a coke dealer. Still, i guess you could pack an R33 with drogas but you get it.
VvvvvvTeeeeeeccchhh Jeeeeeeenkiiiinnnsss
spit out my coffee with that one. excellent.
honest question: are those videos like explicit material for Safelite workers lol?
wow. crazy stuff here. I had an ‘96 XJ (RIP) and had no idea bout this. good stuff, jalop!
love these write ups.
wow, Transformers 10 looks like shit
just too good.
white F40 give me conflicted feels. so beautiful. so not rosso corsa.
wow, disney is taking the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise in a whole new direction.
Shout out to my ‘96 XJ’s inline six 4.0 mated to a five speed manual. I promise I will find you and I will restore you.
shooodoggy remindsme of dem nascar cars shoodoggy tellyouwhut
I didn’t want to read this. I don’t need this in my life. The R34 is my dream car and I was hoping, just hoping that in reality it was a turdbox so I could let my sleepy eyes close and not think about selling my friend’s kid’s kidneys to get one.