
brilliantly played. just brilliant.

good jalopnik fodder.

Weak ass tornado FOH. I’ve been in bigger windstorms after eating a can of beans.

Thank YOU for this. I was just, women, who cares? Let’s see some racing and if you must add grid anything, doggos! who doesn’t love doggos?!

nonsense, poopypants!

hahaha, this comment made my day.

this better be a judgement free zone: In high school I put strobes in my XJ’s headlights and interior.

I’m more impressed with their shakedown test being the actual run that went 6.9. If you’re anyone who has worked on a car before, you know that first key turn and drive will make you feel like a champ if nothing goes wrong. The elation of everyone watching is priceless. Great jalop fodder.

As a former research editor for a magazine, I give Proofreader Man the highest of fives.

so bad it’s so good


Bless you for this

this made my day

am i the only one here who thinks these combine workouts should be done in full pads? I mean, these guys will never have to perform any of these feats on the field without gear. no disrespect at all to these dudes but I’ve just simply never seen the point in all these workouts without gear.

can you please update the headline to “Why are V4 engines so rare...and adorable? haha

The Gilles episode is the only one I watched. Agree with the Chefs Table...really solid stuff there and interesting to see how they push boundaries and norms for their industry.

Agree. I found Gilles to be a very cool cat who deals with corporate pressure well while still keeping his team and himself enthused.

On a related note, Netflix currently has a documentary series called Art of Design and one of the episodes is about Chrysler’s global design chief, Ralph Gilles. Not sure if he’s had a hand in the Demon design but figured fellow Jalopnikenbockers should know about it because Gilles is a true car nut and his story is

sweet baby jesus that was satisfying.

These Explorers are a nightmare. All of my heck yous go to the folks who buy these in grey, black or white and proceed to tint the windows, creating police cruiser dopplegangers. Special shout out to a newbie I’ve seen recently in my city: The Dodge pickup extended cab with a toolbox patrol truck. The sneakiest of the