
wanna talk cookie cutter tracks?

On the plus side, the Rockets and Cavs have won a ton of hypothetical championships over the past five years and that’s really the most important thing. 

Danny and Jon both run to the Throne and try to sit on it at the same time.  The both fall off and end up sitting the floor.  Danny smiles, says “Oh, you...”, Jon shrugs and smiles, then the theme from Growing Pains plays.  Fin.

Sounds suspicious for insurance fraud 

Don’t care. This is a Rich Whyte people problem.

You’re correct, but just on a universal level, all people, not just reporters, tend to bitch about those that make their jobs harder to do. So the media’s reaction to being stonewalled by Russ is understandable in that sense.

There needs to be some intervention soon. Between SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin LEO access is becoming cheaper and cheaper (comparatively speaking.)

Yeah fuck this shit. We need some treaties right now to stop this from becoming a thing. Also unless you’re out in GEO, that sign is going to streak across the sky. No one needs that.

What does the trajectory of the bounce off his leg have to do with anything? He was dribbling, lost the ball, grabbed it with both hands, then started his dribble back up again. Any youth league ref in the country is going to call that right away. The only slack I’ll give this crew is that double dribble is so

Ever had the chance to drive a GT-R on the streets?

It bugs the hell out of me when other people are on the road when I am. The nerve.

This is an absurd, wild and dangerous fantasy by someone ill-equipped to actually carry out the violence they dream of.

This story is a good example of some of the misconceptions a lot of Americans have about Straya, where they think it’s a continent-sized Florida with a constitution that comprises of the words “hold my beer” and “V8 ute.” Reality is it’s a nation with British levels of nanny government and 1950s deep South levels of en

Shame on 1320? This is the epitome of 1320. Most of the garbage they produce is sketchy illegal street racing videos with an endless supply of idiots like the one in this video. Fuck these guys. 

Khabib’s former teammate could not be reached for comment

This x1,000

What about cars of THIS caliber?:

IMSA’s great and all, but if you want the best RWD Celica of all time, you best be talkin’ ‘bout the Whistling Pig.

Okay, I don’t want to rock the boat here, but I think MMA and its participants are sometimes overly violent, even outside of the contests themselves. Some of the stuff I’ve been hearing about this particular brouhaha has been downright troublesome. I shudder to think about what might happen at the next kerfuffle.