
“for what it’s worth, I was pretty sure I wasn’t wrong.” might be the best line I’ve heard all year. this might be the slogan for the male species. classic!


i always appreciate updates from the collector world, thank you


I’m actually more impressed with the fact that he’s doing all of this with those crazy snow boots with six inch thick ortho soles lol.

crazy stats. it’s the equivalent of a full 747 crashing nearly every three weeks for a year.

agree. what a boring lineup. how about a turbo honda for crissakes?

he fully understands that pro MMA, especially the UFC, is becoming more entertainment and big money fights than ranked fighters battling for top spots. It’s a money grab now hence every fighter from any weight class calling out other fighters not in their weight class because they’ve seen Conor’s absurd circus BUT

you must be a blast at parties.

because that’s such a wonderful thing to set as a goal, highplainsdrifter. your parents must be so proud of what you’ve become.

agree. you are so right. You’re the king of right. gosh, I’m so wrong. Your opinion matters so much to me, highplainsdrifter. I’ve changed my entire belief system because of your opinion. thank you.

this entire platform is a troll.

not how I get off, playa.

oh, the irony of your comment. haha.

I’m in my late 20s so...

I swear I recall seeing a WIRED article years ago about artificial ACL replacements. It was some synthetic compound that was basically bolted in and only recovery for athlete was surgery cuts healing.  A Euro based company created them but there was some reason they weren’t approved for use. Maybe I’m remembering it

ah yes, always cram in hate speech about Trump. classic liberal crybaby. Don’t worry little man, we’re running the country so just sit back and grab a dirty sock to polish up that participation trophy of yours.

agree. dump those spotters. if they were his riding buddies that should come to an end.

yeah, that one really freaked me out to watch. just awful.

you can die crossing the street. while I agree the ceiling for these comps is absurd and will continue to be dangerously raised it’s never going to stop. this isn’t a utopia where nobody gets hurt because it’s flower picking. we do gnarly shit because it’s awesome and it’s about pushing past mental and spiritual