
Hi, Buzz Killington!

Who’s joking?

“You know my plans,” replied Senator Palpatine.

It’s been interesting watching Twitter after the press conference. All the reporters are talking about the Russia Hacks or the fainting episode or anything but the two solid minutes where Obama lambasted them for running with the hacked email narrative for 6 months then wondering why it was such a big deal.

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

Fock you, the pyramids were built by Steve Martin. He had a condo made of stone-a.

Emma Nelson would be the most annoying stripper EVER.

Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?

The truly sad thing is that had to deliver their own pink slips.

This was hilarious to watch play out in real time. I snorted loudly at work. Of course, then I had to try to explain “delete your account” to someone who wasn’t Twitter-literate (Twitterate?), which was not entirely successful.

These things force me to never want to put myself in a position where I have to sacrifice everything.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

really really really wanna chicken tik a tik ahhhhh

Two fat-shamers fat-shaming each other? Ha! I love it. They can’t throw any other insults because they’re essentially the same awful person, minus dietary preferences. Super entertaining. Thanks for delivering, internet.

It me.

Who was the unwitting victim that you texted that text to?