

Leaving aside (for now) the fact that this argument is factually incorrect, it also makes zero business sense. Why would video game makers in 2014 cater only to people who liked video games in 2005?

I'd take genderless over being the male side of things.
Least that way I can create my own element ^.^

This would be a lot better commented on at jezebel then kotaku, since most of the people here are white guys who don't have any clue as to the oppression of women and why this is an important issue to bring up.

No one is advocating removing all violence directed towards women from all games. That's pretty much a strawman position that people who don't want anything to change use to rail against.

Every time another one of these is released, I have to remind myself not to look at any of the responses or comments to it before I burst a blood vessel. "No women gave a fuck about gaming pre-2005"? I am endeavoring, ENDEAVORING not to sink to his level of rhetoric right now.

But nooooo - there is no problem with sexism in video games or in the industry. It's all a bunch of women making things up! Plenty of men get metric tons of death and rape threats all the time!!

Best damn mayoral assistant ever. She even kept Tom Nook from forcing house upgrades down my throat (what, you think it was coincidence that stopped in New Leaf?).

Repede was great in Tales of Vesperia.

I always liked the dog in Harvest Moon - Back to Nature. The best way I can explain it would be like this: Since the game itself is like this minimal over-simplified life simulation, with day-to-day chores, special events and social interaction, this minimal over-simplified dog fits right in. He isn't based on advanced

Dog: D0g

Also announced: The Yakuza Complete We Love the West After All HD Collection

Boo! I still need my Yakuza 5 localization :(

Definitely agree, which is why it's just sometimes wise.

I'm a smart nerdy girl, and I have had the best luck meeting people on NON dating nerdy forums. But also just online. I have probably the opposite problem of you in that I"m not that traditionally attractive, but, I find it really helps to have a conversation with people to find out if they are idiots who are

I had a recent argument with a colleague who deemed me as, "one of those white knight feminists" (mind you I am a feminist) because I dare not get upset at his hypothetical question of dating a woman who made more than me. As if I should be intimidated by job security and financial stability. It would stand to reason

"Fashion modeling agency Square Enix"
Too true

I can't imagine what it must be like to bring a baby into the world, raise them up through childhood and beyond, with all the stresses and scares of a parent with a young child; and just when you think they're headed for a happy, successful adulthood, this happens to them, cut down on their prime. My heart goes out to

"You took my son away from me," [Mike Brown's mother] told the television news station KMOV. "Do you know how hard it was for me to get him to stay in school and graduate? You know how many black men graduate? Not many. Because you bring them down to this type of level, where they feel like they don't got nothing to