Anna best grill
This. My god I love Dragon Quarter.
Well said. I can't imagine what it's like to go through something that horrific, face your attacker, have your character torn to shreds by someone trying to keep the attacker free, and then re-live it in front of a room full of people. I'm glad they're getting Justice.
Truthfully, no lives matter. We did nothing after Sandyhook. Kinda shows that we don’t care who dies, even little kids. Once you’re okay with that, the discussion ends.
I blame YouTube Red. And I'm angry. I watch more Japanese music than American by far.
Dude, it doesn't matter who she points the blame at. Shit like this is a reflection of us all.
By you essentially calling her a raging man-hating feminist you are perpetuating the very reason she is speaking out. You are the problem here.
Way to completely misread the article! Bravo!
The villain never bothered them anyway.
There is much wisdom in this. I actually went to go see Paul McCartney in concert last night and somebody was holding a sign in the audience that said "Teachers love Paul". He made a point of saying "Teachers love Paul? Well that's nice - didn't used to be that way though!".
Got Link, Fuck Yeah! Wait, this blurb is kinda shit too
"You have no voice in the world - you never did, but are only now realizing it. Your opinions and desires mean nothing against the crushing weight of the meaningless reality you exist in. Others demand you listen to them, but no one will listen to you."
"Women are often socialized to be indirect."....yeah, and men are often socialized to be aggressive pursuers, so why is it no longer ok for them but still ok for women to use the, "Oh, it's society!" excuse?
Like, her first paragraph is a lot more negative than anything I'd ever put on my profile, but after getting 20+ messages a day that are just "hey" or "omg ur so hot!!!!!!!" or "wow ur titties r amazing!!!!!", it gets pretty exhausting (and defeating. You find yourself just accepting you'll either be forever alone or…
I'm having such a hard time believing this comes from a woman and not an MRA-type guy. I would bet $5 that this profile was set up by an MRA to show that women are demanding asses, when, in fact, it's full of things that are of interest to MRA (number of sexual partners / purity, excessive beliefs in matching…
I can't answer that question, but I can tell you that back in June, Goodell interviewed Palmer and supposedly she asked for leniency for Rice, which may have been a mitigating factor in the initial light penalty. Who was present at this interview? Rice himself (!) and NFL and Raven officials. Who wasn't there? Any…
Yep. You can replace "Ravens" with "NFL" and it's the same thing. It doesn't matter who did or didn't see it. They were never going to give much of a shit until WE saw it.