My boyfriend and I went on our first date last year on February 13th. As he lives kinda far away (2 and a half hours), he stayed the night, so we were together for Valentine’s Day. We just went and had a nice breakfast, said “yep, sure is Valentine’s Day,” and went along our merry way. Now we’re combining our…
Could you possibly tell me how you ordered it? I thought the site said they did international shipping, but from the checkout process, I’m not seeing a way to say you’re outside of Japan.
Shiina Ringo’s the best. Tokyo Jihen’s “Sports” might be one of my favorite albums ever.
Like I said — antagonist of Cyber Sleuth is on point xD
I believe that humanity actually wants to get better.
I’m really hoping they remaster it for the PS4. I’d love to play it again.
I’m just glad that 13 of those charges involved the 13 women that testified. To be able to get up in court like that takes true courage, and I certainly do not blame the other women who decided not to take the stand. It shows (at least I hope) that the jury took all 13 women seriously, and that 5 more cases had enough…
I think there is. I’ve had a lot of unsolicited bullshit in my life, but I’ve had men give me genuine compliments that I’ve appreciated too. I think tone is a really big thing as well as no intention of receiving anything in return for your compliment. I’ve also found that I take compliments on specific things much…
Yeah, for me, music-video-wise, absolutely. Again, it’d be one thing if they weren’t supposed to be viewed over here ever, but channels either fully available here for years or purposefully meant for her being blocked? That’s weird as hell.
YES, I’ve noticed this!! If it was just for Japanese channels, then maybe that’d make sense, but it’s even happened on channels that flat out say they are the USA channels. Like, they are specifically meant to be viewed in the United States of America. What?
I’m here! I’m clear! I’m all about, uh... beer?
During my last year of college, I stopped off in a Gamestop one day to buy my boyfriend at the time a copy of Dark Souls for the 360. He had already played the game several times on my PS3, but I figured it’d be nice for him to have it at his apartment and figured it was a nice gesture. So I go in there and, not…
Oh yeah, definitely! I find it really interesting how something can come from the same base but manifest itself very differently.
Oh, I'm not saying that American pop stars are treated any BETTER here; it's just different.
Yes and no? Idols usually only engage in pop music, but they operate differently from pop stars in the West. Public image is SUPER important, and many times, girls can't even date since they are supposed to be their "fans'" girlfriend. They also aren't paid the astronomical amounts at least American pop stars are and…
This is very true. There certainly becomes a point where a generation becomes set in its ways, but when a new generation is born, it can adapt and legitimize almost anything. Hell, there would be a lot of ancient rich people overturning in their graves if they knew just how much time and effort we now spend analyzing…
Mediums always evolve. While there certainly will be video games that exist solely for entertainment (much like there are movies, tv shows, etc.), in the foreseeable future I believe that critiquing a game will be just a valid as a drama in an English class. It has always mystified me how much reassurance gamers need…
I wouldn't worry about it too much, honestly. Every medium that's considered art today used to be considered low brow entertainment. It's only a matter of time until video games will be just as well regarded as every other art form. I think the biggest problem right now is that people are trying to force it rather…