
I'm not even that against animal parts on a person as long as they at least serve a purpose or something! Like, Goku in Dragon Ball had one because he was some monkey alien guy and it turned him into an ape and shit on nights with the full moon. It did something! And if someone's more animal than human, then okay,

Zidane is still my favorite protagonist in a Final Fantasy game. He suffered a bit from mediocre localization and honesty baffling character design, but I felt he had a lot of heart in face of the many terrible things that happen in the game and continuously proved himself to be a good person just wanting what's best

I never said we have never got past this point before hahah. I just hope we do next Cup!

I'm pretty much in the same exact boat as you. I watched a decent part of the 2010 WC, but I was dating a Venezuelan guy at the time, so I watched A LOT of the games with his family in Spanish which, hey, nothing's more infectious than 30+ Venezuelans in one small living room screaming about a WC game, but I wasn't

I like rooting for underdogs for one reason or another, so it's hard for me to justify rooting for the team with the best player in the world hahah. I really just started getting into soccer this World Cup, so I didn't know who Messi was before, but I've watched clips and damn, they don't call him the best for

I've heard a lot of people saying Xenosaga's story does not live up to expectations now that the rose-tinted glasses are off. I have personally only seen maybe the first 5 hours of the first game played? That's obviously not enough time put into a JRPG trilogy to know whether you like the story or not, but while I

Good to know! I have 999 for the DS (obviously) and Virtue's Last Reward for the Vita. Maybe those will be the next games I play. Thanks :)

Oh that's awesome! Seems not too uncommon then! I'm sure already being in your own country with most of your own fans probably helps keep morale up a lot.

That's... a really good point. Hm. Definitely considering that.

I feel so sorry for you and your wife. To never know the joys of Animal Crossing... So sad. But seriously, I kinda get it. Some people put insane amount of hours into it everyday, and while I personally have 500+, that's over a year of playing and having to reset my town due to a save glitch. I really only play for

I personally had trouble mixing up my party. It was Shulk, Reyn, Sharla until the very end...

I wasn't a fan of the combat either, though I generally don't like action-RPGs at all, so I'm probably not the best indicator for that. I personally think the game looks beautiful even now, but to each their own :)

I think there are definitely certain things that live up to the hype, but the story I don't think is one of them. I usually only get so bent out of shape about stories that I think had a lot of potential and even executed that potential well for a while, which Xenoblade Chronicles was definitely the latter. I don't

MGS4 is great and I recommend it, but man, 3 is by far my favorite. Naked Snake <3 What a man.

I play Okami every spring. Beautiful game.

Man, I was all geared up to play 999 and Virtue's Last Reward, but I heard that the second game ends on a pretty big cliffhanger and that a third game in the series is now unlikely. Would you still recommend playing them? I still own both.

If it makes you feel any better, Xenoblade Chronicle's story takes a nosedive later in the game. The ending is actually pretty well done, but there's a long time in the second half where almost nothing is going on and what is going on is horrible since the writers compromised all of the other characters' development

I haven't gotten a chance to play Mario Kart 8 as much as I've wanted to (my boyfriend bought it for me when it came out, but I haven't been able to get to it much since he went back to Indiana), but man I love that game. The online play is surprisingly great too! It's actually my first online multiplayer experience

I promised myself back in May that I wouldn't buy any new games until August, so I am pretty happily going through my backlog. At the moment though I'm playing Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS. Pretty good game! Liking it a hell of a lot more than Graces, that's for sure.

I'm not too knowledgeable on the World Cup - has the "home" team every took the Cup? Because I don't see any reason why that WOULDN'T be awesome.