
I think there are definitely certain things that live up to the hype, but the story I don't think is one of them. I usually only get so bent out of shape about stories that I think had a lot of potential and even executed that potential well for a while, which Xenoblade Chronicles was definitely the latter. I don't

MGS4 is great and I recommend it, but man, 3 is by far my favorite. Naked Snake <3 What a man.

I play Okami every spring. Beautiful game.

Man, I was all geared up to play 999 and Virtue's Last Reward, but I heard that the second game ends on a pretty big cliffhanger and that a third game in the series is now unlikely. Would you still recommend playing them? I still own both.

If it makes you feel any better, Xenoblade Chronicle's story takes a nosedive later in the game. The ending is actually pretty well done, but there's a long time in the second half where almost nothing is going on and what is going on is horrible since the writers compromised all of the other characters' development

I haven't gotten a chance to play Mario Kart 8 as much as I've wanted to (my boyfriend bought it for me when it came out, but I haven't been able to get to it much since he went back to Indiana), but man I love that game. The online play is surprisingly great too! It's actually my first online multiplayer experience

I promised myself back in May that I wouldn't buy any new games until August, so I am pretty happily going through my backlog. At the moment though I'm playing Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS. Pretty good game! Liking it a hell of a lot more than Graces, that's for sure.

I'm not too knowledgeable on the World Cup - has the "home" team every took the Cup? Because I don't see any reason why that WOULDN'T be awesome.

I've been leaning towards Germany... I have German heritage and we still keep in contact with family over there, so it's the logical choice. My only problem is I really like rooting for underdogs hahahah

Belgium definitely outperformed the US in the first 90 minutes, don't get me wrong, but in those last 20 or so minutes, it really did become a close game. That's what's so fantastic about the World Cup - there's always drama! :D

It was such a close game. Even though I'm disappointed in our lose, I can't get over the fact that Tim Howard gave that legendary performance and that 19-year-old Julian Green scored on what might've been his first touch. Insane.

Good job, America. Hopefully we'll finally get past this point next Cup.

In the meantime,

Yay for this, but mostly ya for someone playing Atelier Rorona Plus. I promised myself not to buy anything new until August so I could work to my backlog, so I'm both jealous and very happy for you!

Every. Single. Time. I audibly groan whenever that course is selected in online multiplayer because I'm pretty much guaranteed to lose some points D:

Yep, totally mean the no-gravity section. It's seriously the one turn in the game that always gets me (and I'm not very good) hahah.

And okay, I'll add you when I get the chance :)

I think it's that one turn where you're going sideways and if you don't drift exactly right, you're freakin' toast? Yeah, that turn gives me nightmares hahahah

That's probably my second favorite course tied with Shy Guy Falls. It's a lovely course, and I might maybe judge courses a bit on how good I am at them hahahahah oops

Wario Stadium trips me up for some reason. I can't stand it hahah.

I think Mount Wario was the stage that filled me with the most wonder the first time I raced through it. A lot of other tracks have much more impressive visuals, sure, but from jumping to the plane to racing in front of all those spectators at the end, it's just a fantastic course.

God, this is a perfect summary of what we're like. Thank you.

I have unfortunately had a guy tell me this before. Well, the second sentence anyway. The first was longer and more implied hahah.