
I think they differ quite a bit gameplay-wise, but the aesthetic definitely seems the same. We can want together, my friend <3

I enjoyed everything in Epic Yarn except for that Meta Knight fight. Ugggghhhhhh.

He might be the cutest thing I've ever seen...

I have a feeling that, while they'll be a few quests, it's more going to be small puzzle dungeons that you come upon that "fills" the world. I'm personally more than fine with that :) What I've personally always wanted in Zelda games is small towns where you can unlock secrets as well instead of just important

My dream game? Paper Luigi, based off the stories Luigi and his partners told in The Thousand Year Door. One can dream, right?

Even actively disliking something takes so much energy for me that it amazes me how heated people can get about something like this. It's kind of fascinating, actually.

If one of the presenters doesn't do a barrel roll in real life, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

FOUND IT. Thank you very much :)

Am I the only one stupid one here not able to find anything Persona Q on the NA Amazon? I see what seems to be an import copy and some decals, but that's about it... I'm not crazy right?

Extremes don't have to exist! Extremes don't have to exist! (explodes)

You understand me.

I don't see how it doesn't.

I get the eye thing, but I think people are making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be though. At the end of the day, the studio's not the original artist, so they're going to have their own style and interpretation, even if that style and interpretation don't necessarily live up to the source material. I've

I second that motion. DeKeyMa should buy perfume for all.

... I don't think I've ever wanted something more in my life, and I've never even picked up something even remotely like this before. Is this... love?

We can't all win.

Hmm. I have played a lot of Harvest Moon in my life. In fact, I've probably played more Harvest Moon over the years than Animal Crossing.

Fine! I hereby decree you a woman! Enjoy your bleeding cycles and your plights! You've earned them!

I had a 360 with an old boyfriend for a while, and I loved the shit out of that game. We've since broken up though and, since it's the only reason I would even own a 360 now that Mass Effect has been ported over to the PS3, I most likely won't be playing it again in the near future. I can't justify an entire system

Congrats, PonyPrincess, you and I are one and the same. We shall combine our names to be PonyPoptartsPrincessToki and rule this universe with a firm but polite fist, just as we rule our Animal Crossing towns.