
Nope, here to stay forever! (And by that, I mean, I totally understand why you don't like moe stuff hahah)

It's the same phenomenon with movies looking to adapt pretty much anything but, huh? I understand the frustration for sure. And yes, K-ON definitely is focused towards the moe-otaku crowd, no doubt about that. Thankfully (at least in the anime) there are different things to focus on and enjoy (though I do think the

My ex-boyfriend had very similar feelings about Kyoani's adaptation of Haruhi, so I feel for you there. I've never gotten around to reading the light novels (though I want to!), so I can't really comment myself. I think there are some light novels that have been "unwelcomed" in anime, but Baccano and Durarara were

The 30 episodes rule isn't a steadfast thing for me; it's just an interesting trend I've seen from the collection of anime I like. I'll have to check Monster out sometime. Thanks :)

You'll meet the right person to date, no worries :) Also, you're 17. I didn't get into my first real relationship until your age, so don't go worrying about that either. Just make sure when you meet someone you like to make the offer casually, and you'd be surprised how well that actually works, especially since that

Have you watched any of it? I ask it earnestly because sometimes I feel like K-ON gets grouped into the "moeblob" crowd when it actually features a good amount of characterization in its second season that's uncharacteristic of, say, Lucky Star (same studio; vast difference in quality of content). I get how you feel

Interestingly enough, while I'm a fan on K-ON, I found Lucky Star and some of their other slice-of-lifes to be really mediocre. I did like Haruhi a lot, though it was based off a light novel series that had at least somewhat of an actual plot, which makes it have slice-of-life elements instead of being an actual

I came off a little harsh here, so I understand why this is the way you interpreted what I said. What I mean is that these four guys, while they stated that they wanted to have a romantic relationship with me, became angry when I rejected them not out of hurt from the rejection itself (which is more than

Oh believe me, I've definitely done stuff where I've had to accept that I fucked up and there's really nothing I can do about it. The big thing, though, is to realize that you did fuck up and try not to fuck up that way in the future. It's a silver lining, I guess.

You're most likely right lol. I just find the dichotomy funny :)

I honestly liked the anime much more than the manga. It's not necessarily the manga's fault; I just felt that due to its length, the show was able to explore a lot more and break the mold a little more (again, especially season 2).

Hell yeah it is, brother! :D

Hahah, well, to be fair, while I like K-On and some slice of life stuff, I'm actually much more into story-driven anime that are usually 30 episodes or less (since otherwise there's just way too much filler and thus not story-driven). I actually found that K-On had a lot of character development and heart in its

I love how people give everyone crap for posting MLP gifs, yet no one says a word about all my K-On gifs. Come on, people. Get in the game.

I think it's a maturity thing too. As long as you're not super forceful about the issue and the girl truly values your friendship, then there is no reason why you two cannot remain friends (even if you might need a little bit of a break to patch up your feelings). Had those guys not reacted that way to my rejection, I

Yeah, totally agree with that. I think I just misunderstood his phrasing :)

I'm not necessarily blaming anyone, and I honestly believe I treated these four guys like I would any other friend. Mind you, all four are spread out over the course of about eight years, so it's not like it has been in concentration by any means. At least two of them also proceeded to accuse my friends of the same

I think this is the definition some people definitely have too. Usually though the friend zone is associated with maligned feelings that the liked person (doesn't necessarily have to be a girl!) forced the person in question to be in that zone, when in reality, the liked person was presented with a friendship and took

I really think the best advice we've all given here is that when you like someone, you should tell them as soon as it's feasible to do so. Otherwise, even if you're not intentionally dragging the person along, you're going to come to expect more out of them than they're most likely going to give. I know you're