Kelly Wittenauer

I am with the folks from the ‘70s. I always wear a seatbelt when I’m driving somewhere, but there are times where these systems annoy me. Here are a couple of examples off the top of my head:

Tools are such great gifts. I never forget who gets me one, and I think about them every time I use them.

I’ve learned to start asking for tools, so I don’t have to spend my money on those, and can instead spend it on future racing endeavors and other things. I’m bad at giving gifts, and I don’t really love receiving them anymore, because people think they’re being really cute and fun, but really they’re just giving me

Tax the corporations enough and they’ll just move elsewhere and then you won’t even have a job. Good luck with that.

All things being equal, perhaps, but there’s also the small matter of ground clearance to consider. Winter tires can’t solve everything.

The last 40 years of welfare is a democratic mess. Stop giving people money for nothing! Bet you love giving your money away! If welfare and cost of illegals was taken out we would never have a problem. BTW Obama more than doubled the debt in 8 years, why would the folks that did that know how to clean it up? When you

and a good number of the 45% still want a rebate even though they pay zero taxes.

Seriously, are you like 12? The previous administration added ten TRILLION to our debt in EIGHT YEARS. Did we all somehow miss your posts asking this question back then?

Oh my fucking GOD you’re economically illiterate. You don’t “pay” for tax cuts! You’re just as dense when it comes to economics as the previous president is.

The top 1% pay 46% of all federal income tax.

You might want to go do a calculation on your taxes, I was angry after hearing all the reports on TV, but now that the online calculators are out, I actually figured my taxes, our family of 4 goes from $8500 to $3500, I think the Democrats and media are screwed for telling us how bad this is, once people start seeing

Why does a tax cut need to be funded? The gov’t is taking less money in, not paying money out. Or does the federal government arbitrarily choose to give more money to some people and none to others? 

45% of US households pay zero federal income tax. It’s hard to give a tax cut to someone who doesn’t pay taxes. Of course most tax cuts go to the rich, they pay most of the taxes.

Well, small businesses - even sole proprietorships (1 man at home and private contractors) - are getting a 20% tax cut. That’s not $500 a year and these are not wealthy people. When you’re paying 35% in taxes, dropping that to 28% is a lot of extra money in the pockets of normal middle class (and upper lower class)

The UAW disagrees with the Republican president? Say it ain’t so! This is Earth-shattering news, we’ve NEVER experienced anything like it before! Oh wait, except for always.

Don’t forget the ice at the wand-wash place, it’s downright dangerous in the winter.

It’s easy to say “Wash it by hand” when you live in a climate that is warm year round. I’m not going out and physically washing my car when it’s cold out.

This is why you go to a “touchless” car wash, which is just a fancy power washer and soap sprayed at many different angles.

I see three very uppity Daschunds.