
Isn’t he trying to sober-up? Why would she throw a surprise party full of alcohol?

It was like he was sent to us as a QA tester for our democratic system.

I think the new word is, “On flock”. Like, “Hey fellow youths, those geese are totally on flock today.”

This is very, very true.

Help. Illegal or just questionable moral compass?

(The number 1 question I seem to be asking about Trump lately)

I live in Germany, and to be honest I’d be far more terrified of living in America and being shot dead by random gun nuts than being targeted by terrorists at a Christmas market.

What? My dad lives in Munich. Security and secret police are literally everywhere.

I’ve lived in Munich and Berlin - Berlin has had a palpable feeling of conflict with the Turkish immigrants and other immigrants for a very long time. (I first moved there in 2012, and again in 2014). I love, love Berlin - but it’s definitely one of the cities I’ve been accosted in the most. I went there with my black

Ah okay - maybe I don’t understand the FFXIV payment system ha

FFXIV makes you pay for one than one character too :(

Which is basically the whole plot of the Doctor Strange comics. It’s basically Marvel trying to cover-up that Dr. Strange was founded on a racist Asian stereotype.

Yea - I’ve been reading Dr. Strange for a long time and it always had that, “White Man comes to ancient Asian race, learns ancient Asian race’s secrets, is better than all Asians before him because he’s white and modernized.”

My friends and I literally had a “GetGo Got Beer” party last month. We are all in our 30s.

Ladies can only do missionary position with lights off.

What? Marston literally joined the women’s suffrage movement and helped to get women birth control and the right to vote. He put Susan B Anthony in his WW comics. Wonder Woman was even partially based on Emmeline Pankhurst. You can be into bondage and still respect women.

They originally had cutscenes about the main characters but then decided to pull them out for the anime series and DLCs. I’m guessing for a combo of money/hype/focus the plot.

You get his conversion story from listening to the radio and overhearing different conversations around Altissia.

I like the ability to check on the bread through the cheese windows to make sure its doing okay.

This post made me shout BAABEEE HUGS at my work desk.

I have also gained 60 lbs, so I went from a size 4-6 to 12-whatever comes after 12. IT IS THE WORST. I seriously feel like everyone is looking at me and going, MAN SHE GAINED WEIGHT. My sister (whose a size 4 and 5'11") is the worst to stand next. She literally

Can I have a link to this Lisa hatefest so my day can get an upper?