
Watching 30 yr olds makes me feel like I have my shit together - watching 20 yr olds makes me realize how much closer to death I am

We can just all sign up to go Jogging with a Ranger that day, and then peel off.


Hm - I met them through a friend who was working with a refugee resettlement program in my area back in 2012/2013 (oddly enough, I’m in the midwest). I mean, they’re probably two of five who I’ve seen in the city area. No one used to give them any attention a few years back, but lately they’ve been getting more openly

Damnit - Now I wish Hildebrand + Mirror had been on this list.

Yea def check out the Brotherhood anime on YouTube. It makes Prompto waaayy more endearing. It’s actually a really well done anime (at least to me.)

I don’t think I would’ve liked any of the characters if I hadn’t watched the anime first.

OH man - I love that CD. I didn’t know it was a concept album though...

I can’t stop listening to Lady Gaga’s new record - I don’t even think I like it. I just Can’t. Stop.

So by transitive property - I care that she is on good terms.

I realize - two wear burqas and one wears an al-amira depending on her mood.

Yea but only Matt Damon’s face is taking up 100% of the poster and is the main focus point of the trailer.  

I’m not ragey about it, more eye-rolly. Producers/the studio is pushing Damon hard as the main selling point of the movie which possibly points to them thinking people only come when a famous white lead is cast.

I think Zhang gets it but his marketing team/studio doesn’t. They’re not exactly featuring those four other heroes on the movie posters.

Yea I’m with you on this - I appreciate Zhang’s take on trying to appeal to Americans to get a foothold in the market with a major white lead, at least he’s being honest- but I feel like the old trope of, “white dude/chick studies in some nondescript Asian culture and ends up being the best at it to save culture from

I love this and am stealing it for future burn needs

How many women have you actually talked to that wear burqas??

But that slow motion jump in the air.

Who the fuck wrote this? How could you possibly spin her explanation in such a negative way?

Okay, people seem to not know what playing the system means. It’s not the same as cheating. It’s what you said in that last sentence, “Using the rules of a system in a clever way to gain an advantage.” It’s using the system against itself to achieve a desired outcome. By using it this way, a person could use the

That is what I meant? Well he gained a fair advantage - he used a system against itself despite what it was designed to do...

Your statement doesn’t make sense. Operating within the system is literally required to play the system.

“Playing the System - Using the rules and procedures meant to protect a system in order, instead, to manipulate the system for a desired outcome.”

Well he failed at winning the popular vote.

But I guess he played the system just like he did with the millions of taxes he avoided paying.

Wahhh this made me so happy. Thanks for bringing your awesomness to the U.S.