
I feel like it’s gonna help that the Senator Trump is threatening to destroy is a Republican.

Edit - Nevermind I thought he was referring to Konni Burton’s proposed bill

Your GameStop experiences are way better than my time working there, haha. I need to find those stores. I just get angry when they do things behind the scenes to fuck it up for customers. I’m glad your games and codes all work though - maybe they’ve stepped it up since I was there.

Eh - You may not feel pressured, but there are things they do behind the scenes to fuck with you. Aka purposely not stocking more than one of a new game so you’d buy used games, only stocking 2 of a game system to create scarcity.  

Worked at a Gamestop for one year in 2006 in NJ. They pushed us into selling those used games SO hard. They’d purposely stock less of a new game than a used version so they could point to the used version. They made like an 80% profit on those things.

We’d even buy back mass quantities of one game that were obviously

I guess - but they just chose primary colors (and grey)

5 pm*



What no - What. He’s not stating an opinion that the President is responsible - he is responsible according to the Second Article of the Constitution. It’s not logic, it’s literally how the United States Armed Forces operate. People show Trump the plans of attack, they tell him what’s going to happen and he says yes

What - Benghazi wasn’t a raid. Hillary was Secretary of State and didn’t hold ultimate power in signing off on the security fulfillment requests. That had to go through ten different departments, including the CIA, State Department, the Pentagon and Libyan Gov’t.

No, Obama did lead and plan the raid for killing Osama bin Laden. The role of the President in raids is much bigger than you think it is. Especially on a raid of this importance in a country that hasn’t had a non-drone U.S. raid involving military “boots-on-the-ground” tactic since 2012. This was a really big deal. It

Wrong - Only 14 out of 44 U.S. presidents have had no military background. Also wrong, the President is involved in tactical decisions and execution.

You’re literally making things up at this point.

I don’t think Kai Mai understands the President’s power or responsibility is concerning the military. He/She’s been arguing in circles with me but you can tell they don’t come from a military background.

You’ve apparently edited your comment. I’m still not really sure what argument you’re talking about.

Exactly - To his constituents he comes off as a hypocrite, and to his opposition it looks like he botched Obama’s plan. Lose/lose.

It’s probably why he’s calling the operation a success.

How is this holding Trump to the same standard Trump held Obama? What attitude are you talking about?

Oh it is absolutely his job to micromanage these attacks. He’s Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Oh it is absolutely his job to micromanage these attacks. He’s Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Oh it is absolutely his job to micromanage these attacks. He’s Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Trump’s gone on record saying he thinks Obama’s military attempts are poorly planned and executed.

If Trump truly felt that way about Obama’s leftover team and strategy, then he should have known this raid would not work and not approved it.