
There’s a debate going on who had a bigger hand in planning and execution - Trump’s James Mattis or Obama’s Ash Carter.

It’s hard to say since Carter’s last day in office was on Jan 19 and this took place on Jan 29.

BUT - Trump has gone on record blasting Obama’s military attempts. If Trump feels so strongly that

Thanks, you too! Keep kicking lazy butts into gear!

Ah okay - this makes way more sense to me. Thank you for taking the time to explain.

I am with you on that Trump is officially our president - it is what it is. I’m also not satisfied and maybe ‘sad’ wasn’t the correct way for me to phrase it. I really don’t think it’s beneath me to protest, or that I’ve done my bit

I think people are more concerned about the drop-off. I have more than a few friends who went to the March, then acted like their job was done and everything is fixed.

Your comment makes no sense. I’m scared of paying attention? What?

Black lives should be equal to white lives in the face of the law? Women should be paid the same as men, WoC should be paid the same as men and white women? Women should stop being blamed for their own rape?

Yea, even though I went, I had a few first protest friends give me side eye when I said the March mad me sad and I didn’t want to go because we shouldn’t have to still be doing this. They were excited and this was something to do. I don’t want to crush that enthusiasm, but I want them to understand that this March

I was adjacent to the team that tried to launch the ACA sign-up website. Such a clusterfuck.

Thank you! Trying to get a feel for the situation before I drive in tonight.

Yea I’ve helped move pages on before over the years. Honestly their servers are just THE WORST and they can’t transition for shit (no pun intended).

Eh, they had always have tanks at protests. Hell, they have tanks in Pittsburgh after Steelers win. At the Pittsburgh G20 I even got pictures next to them! Then got yelled at and teargassed.

Remember when they decided that riding ATVs through the streets was the new “it” thing? It was so fucking dangerous.

Can you link to an article?

Have you met DC cops? This is absolutely not true.

I’m assuming that they were going to have online multiplayer support ready before they released this, but didn’t. Or they’re just trying something new based on the popularity of timed events in FFXIV.

I honestly didn’t mind Ch. 13 - It reminded me of FFX summoner trials. You can always beat it, then replay in GamePlus mode when the new patch comes out!

The lawn has basically been a Work-in-Progress since 1791.

The reflecting pool is getting redone?! I hope they turn it into an ice rink in winter or a water park.

I’m not gonna lie - your comment made me do a ton of research to figure out why it could possibly cost so much. I also found out Grant Park is 318 acres! #TheMoreYouKnow

Well they’re building a new drainage system, water recycling system, replanting trees and redoing the gravel walks (which I hate and are ugly) along with using a special grass/soil/sand mix that will try to minimize future Mall wear and tear. This technically is part of a renovation plan to the 18 acres of the