
You guys have tablets?? My area has the guy look through like six boxes of hard copy voter cards, then someone has to hand write who voted already.

Pittsburgh here -

Please tell me this is just someone stroking my hair and whispering, “It’s all gonna be okay”.

The use of the adverb ‘emphatically’ leaves implied cause for doubt. #grammar

Prediction and forecast having different meanings in different fields. You need to look at these terms from a statistician’s POV.

Try living in Pittsburgh and having all radio ads be, “They’re trying to take away your family’s only source of protection. Guns.” or “Hillary Clinton lets terrorists marry your daughters.”

It sounds like a good strength test. Throw that fucker into the deep end.

Don’t even get them started on oxford fucking commas

Can I hire you to just whisper, “Don’t panic. It’s all gonna okay” to me until Nov 9th?

In the fridge? Like me....

I want this on a hat that I shall wear.

“Dear god, the hill men.”

This is 100% a DC thing. The opening line of every dude in Dupont Circle is

I can just see him practicing this line in his head, saying it, then nodding to himself in approval.

Though I’ve never dated in NYC - I was offered coke in DC by one date and one hairdresser. #nightcap

hahaha yea okay this makes sense. I think I’m just from too far outside and don’t get it. If that’s the spirit of the site, then I fully admit to being on the wrong side of things. This puts things into better perspective.

Every bone in my body wants to be a snark asshole sometimes but I’ve been through too many

I put Jezebel on the same level as Bustle and Dlisted personally.

Yea I can definitely see wanting to do a hottake after being chipped away at. Unfortunately it is part of the job to learn to respond to them in a respectful way (I’m contracted out for a couple of big name companies to write their blogs, and there are things I think and things I actually write back to assholes.) You

You have a right to defend yourselves - but people call cattiness because a number of writers get dirty in comments almost every time someone disagrees with them. As a professional writer, you have to be a level above. Comments like, “nah” or that use any form of curses to demean the commentator take the

I thought KY stood for Kentucky in your sentence.