We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites from Halloween.
We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites from Halloween.
Given his current verbal “dexterity”, I would question whether he knows what a synonym or an antonym is.
By that logic, Hillary is anti-semitic because she is standing in the way of the first Jew who could become president.
For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.
This is perhaps not the best place or time for it, but can I say how much I dislike the idea of “preferred” names or pronouns? My name is my name. My pronouns are my pronouns. I demand them, I don't prefer them, and if you use the wrong ones, we will have a problem.
GOP needs to be called the F*CK out.
Who is going to secure our freedom from the tyranny of off beat clapping? Certainly not Trump.
I’m so glad Rose let go.
Yeah they did kind of go rogue this year, with Mozart in the Jungle and Wolf Hall and whatnot. I like the Globes for the way they honor comedies, and I found it disappointing that they let the Martian game that. Happy that they went rogue for Mr. Robot though, because that show is great. Regarding DiCaprio, though:
My ex was finally diagnosed by the female therapist he had charmed with severe NPD after I sent her some emails he sent me where he had raged out over inconsequential things, seriously inconsequential, like not having the remote in the correct place. Then he came home and raged out at me for narcing on him.
Talk about it. I was with a guy with BPD for 3 years, he was emotionally abusive and I am the sort of woman that NO ONE would believe would end up in a relationship like that.
After being in a relationship with someone with BPD and learning all sorts about personality disorders, I’m pretty sure ALL people who do this sort of thing all have PDs and unfortunately ya can’t fix those.
Yeah great comic, inovative, genius. He also beat the shit out of women, almost killed a wife. Doesn’t take away from his work, but he’s probably not the best example to use in this context.
I would alternate with Only Prettier… that song is as shady as this move is.
I am so glad she’s speaking out. The feeling of having to hide your experience for fear of looking weak, like an idiot and/or pathetic is so strong and something I’m still dealing with years after divorcing my abuser.
Tina Lawson (formerly Tina Knowles) has discovered Instagram. Beyoncé and Solange’s mama, and, unofficially, everybod…
Starred for “Congrats on the dong.” Still laughing.
I know it’s very un-PC to be embarrassed at the stuff other Black folks do just ‘cuz you share the same skin color as they do.
Those towels are perfectly hung.
did Usher means to say: workin hard so you can eat this?