Yikes! I just had a hip replacement, and they bandaged me up with colloidal silver bandaging. Now I’m scared.
Yikes! I just had a hip replacement, and they bandaged me up with colloidal silver bandaging. Now I’m scared.
Great article! I assumed most of the background cars were CGI. Thanks for the education!
She was going for that “just got off the water after crew training” look.
It’s different at UBC.
If they are Chinese nationals, they are paying significantly more than full tuition. I saw this at UBC, where foreign students were the majority and actively recruited because of the money they bring in.
Cup size H here. VS bras were not intended for us. The last thing I want to do is add two cup sizes.
My girlfriends and I had a group of guys send a round of drinks to our table, then they left when the bill came, so the waitress brought the bill to us. This seems even worse, since we never asked /intended to receive the drinks in the first place.
It’s not fine if women do it. Your roommate was simply a shi**y person.
Briefly worked at one in Vancouver in the early 90s. The only reason they tried to bring in other members (and this is a direct quote from the owner to one of the muscle heads) was “I need to sign up all these other people who never show up to pay for all you guys who are always here”. They said it was “women…
A web site needs to be hosted on a server. Hosting services are purchased by web site owners wanting to go public with their url. I imagine if the domain is hosted on a MS server, they can do what they want with it.
Well I might just get some of my money back after all then. Keep up the crazy behavior Musk!
That actually makes a lot of sense. Usually when someone has a personal crisis, you see a gradual decline over many months or years leading up to it. He seemed fine up until a couple months ago when he started blurting out those weird-azz tweets.
I quit Twitter in the months leading up to the election. I got sick of seeing images of Ambassador Stevens’ dead body posted to Hillary’s page. The blatant disrespect for the dead made me want to vomit. I really started questioning what our society had devolved to at that point.
It’s not the no carbs. Longevity runs in her family. The Queen Mum was like 103 or something. QEII is probably just watching her girlish figure.
You can track back to a poster’s computer to get their IP address and location. Your Internet service provider can do it. But they generally don’t unless there is a subpoena involved. So yeah, it’s possible, just not commonly done.
Early SNL is the only SNL worth watching.
Me too. You must also be an old ;)
psst -- it’s “peeked” outside
Drake is Canadian. There is not as much of a cultural divide there than there is in the US.
Don’t listen to them. I love my Roomba, and am glad I did 23andme this summer. I think the benefits still outweigh the risks.