
Like most people, I stopped wearing watches when I had a cell phone to look at. Then I started in a career which doesn't allow me to pull out my phone at any moment. It is very convenient to have the date and time on my wrist at all times.

I think I bought one of those Mexico once. Best 10 bucks ever spent.

For this reason I stopped using some desktop email clients. Apple Mail stores a huge database, including all attachments. It takes tons of space. Now I use Sparrow, which doesn't store much locally but will fetch the mails and attachments stored on the servers when you want them. Makes a huge difference on a small

The truth is they can only license what the distributors will allow them to license. Which is why Netflix, Amazon, Redbox Instant, etc all have pretty much the same selection (aside from exclusive deals). It sucks.

Now playing

Gym Class Heros - New Friend Request. Myspace, PowerBooks, iChat, etc. Basically and ultra corny tech tale.

On this note, I hate the implementation of tab scrolling on the iPad version. With the iPhone you can pull to the next tab by dragging from the edge of the screen, which is perfect because you're thumb is right there. On the iPad, you have to drag from the edge almost all the way across the screen to be able to select

A nice pair of headphones. I have a pair of Bose over the ear cans I've used for 5 years now. It seems I use them almost every singe day. I initially bought them so I could listen to music while studying and not be disturbed. They have been the best and most used school purchase I've made, and I did a lot of school!

You, Sir, are a mouthful.

And store brands dont make the Double Stuff version. I dont know why Oreo even bothers with the single stuff anymore.

you forgot to say "But cost about a dollar less! A DOLLAR!!" like the guy on the old Malt-o-meal commercials. Also, Raisin Nut Bran is the greatest cereal ever. Thats right, take that Count Chocula.

I agree. You'll need room for all your components, not to mention the 7.1 surround sound system. The projector The projector system isn't about saving space, it's about how awesome it is to have a home theater that actually feels like a theater.

The space behind the screen can still be usable space if the screen is retractable. I mounted mine on a wall with 2 windows. When the screen is down the black vinyl on the back side blocks out the light from the windows. When I want the light, i just roll the screen up. If I had been smarter about it I would have

Did you ever receive a letter or strike or anything that you're aware of? I don't consider myself a heavy torrenter, but my demonoid ratio was in the hundreds of gigs, as was my OiNK ratio before that. I've torrented for at least a decade, from various private and public trackers, never used a proxy or whatever, and

Did you ever receive a letter or strike or anything that you're aware of? I don't consider myself a heavy torrenter, but my demonoid ratio was in the hundreds of gigs, as was my OiNK ratio before that. I've torrented for at least a decade, from various private and public trackers, never used a proxy or whatever, and

Check out Lima in kick starter.

Thats neat, but they should change Chrome so youtube videos don't autoplay if they are in a hidden tab. Sometimes I'll open a video in a background tab while I'm watching something else, but with Chrome every tab just starts playing. Its annoying. Safari doesn't do that.

Actually, that makes a lot of sense. Carry on!

Thanks you!

So what's the point of having it?

If it is a real tooth with a real filling (and not just a photoshop job), its a poor one. Cavity preparations have specific design elements that increase long term success. This one doesn't.