
It looks like all that advertising on has been very effective.

Amazingly, pagers still get use. I will soon be carrying one for emergency calls (as a resident at a hospital). The only thing that could nicely replace the anonymity of the pager would be a Google Voice number for that sole purpose. So the pager lives on... for now.

I completely agree. That guy is annoying as hell. Gizmodo seems to love a handful of youtube channels, and reposts everything they post (ie. That slingshot dude, this vsauce goon, those "everything wrong with..." idiots).

yes! that page needs to be resurrected now that the jailbreak community is back in full swing.

You should use iTunes to restore. I know everyone is saying an update is harmless, but I had an iPhone4 die that way. Before the update it was fine (and jailbroken), I applied the update, and now it can't make it to the homescreen without rebooting itself. I've tried restoring in iTunes 20+ times, with the same

Mine is Johnny5.


Maybe you would have to film your own show. Im sure that would count as negative TV time.

I lived in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte for almost two years. I found it quite enjoyable.

Phone? Keys? Wallet?

I say yes. I've done something similar, although I had a few of the components to begin with. I bought an Optoma HD66 projector, a $15 mount from monoprice, a couple of bookshelf speakers (for rear speakers), and a WDTV Streaming Player. I already had a Yamaha receiver with two speakers and a subwoofer. I bought the

iAnnotate PDF for iPad. This was one of the first apps I bought when I got my original iPad back on day 1, and I've used it almost every day since. In my opinion it is the best PDF/PPT/Word annotation program out there. Ive tried a few, but I always stick with iAnnotate because of how well it manages files. Best $10

This one is a long story, but I'll try to get through it quickly. Read it. It's worth it.

It does exist. Its called fluoride.

Aww crap. I cancelled my pre-order because I didn't want to wait for the Oct 2nd shipment they quoted me. I ordered and hour and a half after presales went live. Then I pre-ordered from AT&T, and they quoted 14-21 business days. So I cancelled that and pre-ordered from Best Buy. Maybe I should just suck it up and get

does your Lumia think you are doing a long press on the soft keys any time audio is coming out of the speaker? Mine does, and it is super annoying.

Does anyone have any experience with really using an android tablet for school? I mean actually using it to store and manage all of your school files, annotate files, convert ppt to pdf, etc. I do all this daily with an iPad, but I've yet to see an android tablet handle the same with much success. Even iAnnotate for

i replaced my iphone with a windows phone, and it sure feels desolate to me. I guess it's all about relativity.

You can count on having to give up unlimited data to upgrade to 4G. The 4G data plans are already $10 more expensive than the same 3G data plan. And since you'll have to get a new iPhone for 4G, they will just say that it requires a 4G data plan to get the 4G speeds. So you'll either be stuck with unlimited 3G or

The internet was ok, it was just all being routed to Kansas City. That Gigabit Google Fiber sucked the rest of the country dry.