
This is one of those cases where no one actually believes it’s a threat, but everyone involved mumbles something along the lines of “better safe than sorry”, and claims it can be construed as a threat. Then they make a big deal about how they “had no choice” but to pretend this thing they knew wasn’t a threat was a

Could we get an edit on that headline and remove the word “captured”? She was a young girl, not an escaped convict or an animal that needed to be picked up somewhere. She was not captured. She was abducted. She was kidnapped and murdered.

But they’re already working on the panono 2, which will come out in 2021 with all the cool optics available today...

Sometimes you just have to make a statement, even if it costs you £10.80.

This. I love the home button. It’s great how much functionality they built into one button - awake, TouchID, Siri, unlocking, passwords, Apple Pay, reachability, multitasking, etc.

Just looks like a bunch of video game cutscenes to me.

Lol. Shit that is a lot of fries.

In the event of a crash, terrorist attack, or an in-flight showing of any of the Hobbit movies, passengers should be allowed to try to reach their loved ones to say goodbye.

Whoa there big fella! This isn't an electron microscope.

makes the soda flat, so all your friends and family are just gonna be pissed off that you fucked up their soda just to do a trick that would only impress a 12 year old boy..

You're just a mean ol' Swede ain't you?

Simple answer: the Pro is more expensive, has less battery life, weighs more, and you don't need it.

I predict the mysterious message to contain the age-old words "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."

"Listens to band on YouTube. Complains about engineering." could be a great meme.

"Erectile dysfunction drugs don't make your torque wrench longer. " I'd settle for just more torque.

"Army Jeep"?? A yellow Army Jeep? I guess it would be good camouflage for hiding in the sunflowers. It's a Volkswagen Thing (or Type 181 if you want to get technical). I know this isn't Jalopnik, but c'mon. I guess it could be an "Army Jeep" if you were a NATO soldier in the late 70's....

No more than Kinja lately.

Holy shit, you're Holden Caulfield.

Nobody understands you, do they? I mean, line, nobody GETS you. You're too real. You're just too REAL for this basic basic world. #machiavelli #fringe #everythingsucks