
They have been fine for me, but you can use BetterTouchTool (or a handful of other applications) to remap all your gestures however you want them. What I really dislike about Lion right now is the new file support. There is no "save" or "save as" in Preview, but when you "save a version" it magically saves it

If you are an avid Spaces user, here is a useful Lion tip: to assign an application to a specific space, right click on the application's icon in the dock, as it is now under the options listed there. After installing the Lion preview it took me forever to figure out how to get my stuff to open where I wanted it. The

Could be, but the current spring iPad refresh time doesn't seem to flow very well. An iPad is a perfect holiday gift (for the right budget). Having spring refreshes kills the holiday market, because every one knows a better one will come 2-3 months after christmas. I could see them spitting out a new iPad this fall,

The biggest difference is that Apple stores 1 copy of the song which is licensed to every idevice user that "owns" that song, instead of forcing each user to upload a copy of the song individually. With Amazon, Google, and Dropbox (etc) you currently have to upload your music, meaning they are storing multiple

Hah. Exactly. If anyone wants to peruse my ppt handouts from class, feel free. I don't really understand why people get so concerned. Do they really have such sensitive material to worry about? And if so, why do they keep it online anyway?


Quick iWeb update: I'm now running the Lion Beta 4 and surprise: no update at all to iWeb. It didn't even get the full screen support most of the other apps did.

A Question for iOS Developers:

Cable mirroring works w the iPad, iPhone 4, and iPad 2. What about AirPlay? Will it work on my 1st gen iPad?

so, who else thinks this will be a front facing (or top) LED on a new iPhone 5? You know, like those little blinky lights on a blackberry.

You mean to your iweb site hosted on mobileme? Good question. It will probably be transferred over to your 5 gigs of space on the cloud. But its pretty obvious that Apple no longer cares about iWeb. While iPhoto, iMovie and Garageband received major updates for iLIfe '11, iWeb was completely left out. It desperately

same here. I could return it, but it probably cost about $200 less than a Time Capsule. Seriously Apple, if a 1 TB drive now costs about $99, and an Airport Express costs $99, why does a simple hybrid of the two still start at $299? Obviously Apple set their price when storage was more expensive, and they rarely

Dear Apple,

The other day I needed to complete a very simple task: open Google Cal, copy the links to 3 different calendars, paste them in an email and send. I attempted this on my iPad, and it took forever. I had to open Google Cal in Safari, copy the link, switch apps to Mail, start and new mail and paste in the link, switch

Seriously. The biggest downside to the iPad is that it can only show one window at a time. No matter how fast you can swap between apps, it doesn't compare to having two (or more) windows open side by side. This is why it is still 10x faster to do anything on a laptop and why I still reach for my Macbook Air whenever

You have footage of a lion eating your GoPro, and you upload it in 360p?

There is a "use metric units" option