Love My V8 Finder of Paths

please excuse my ignorance but the caps you have on your jackstands, did they come with your stands and how secure are they on the stand themselves and on the object you are supporting?

I am too lazy to look it up but I am somewhat interested to know what the gearing is like in airport tugs. You can usually hear the engine screaming as they head back to the gate at a whopping 5mph.

Some people are too highly strung. You go on and think that thing is ugly...your damn right as a human! to hell with those other guys. It’s your freaking lunch break for crying out loud. Anyone tries to ruin that for me or for anyone else, they’re in for a world of pain!

When I was in high school, a friend of mine drove one of these, same color, same decals, and same kick ass rear facing seats (with seat belts included). We would bomb around town in this thing all summer long. Driving through Lairmer Square in downtown Denver in a cool summer night in the back of a BRAT gets a lot of

My heart has always belonged to a 1985 Ford Bronco II. In 1985, I was four years old and one day my dad brought home a Bronco II company car. I thought this was strange considering he recently picked up a Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera as a company car and it was relatively new. Whatever...this Bronco was AWESOME!!! It was

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Your headline picture had me questioning all that is holy to me because I remember watching that specific scene in an episode of MacGyver, when I was a kid. I was about to go all batshit crazy on you for ruining my childhood and because I saw it on TV as a kid, I knew I was in the right! I am so glad I did a little

Never knew that. I just looked up and read that their top speed was around 65 so if conditions were just right, you could be in for a hellofa ride!

It isn’t all that glamorous but still a “secret” that I know.

Are those mirrors really “low profile?”

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Disney was so much better back then. One of my favorites was Goofy teaching us about road rage.

There was a joker I went to high school with who won the lottery and dropped a bunch of cash on a Storm and turning it into a ricer with a system. It was cringe worthy seeing that thing rolling in the student lot.

nationalize Space X? I think Space X is kicking ass and taking names because it isn’t nationalized.

I love those XJ’s I really do but damn they never did good with spare tires...they put them in the back taking up a good amount of cargo least for the XJ it is only a compact temp spare. My Grand Cherokee, sadly had a full size spare and that thing was a pain in the ass. I ended up removing it.

Isn’t it a little strange that no one in the video was seen running toward the accident to check on them or help them? I mean I know it is a long way away from where they started but still...I would likely be sprinting to the other end of the “runway” if I knew the people in the accident.

Thanks for posting this...sarcastically and seriously. My productivity has gone downhill today because now I want to build one of these and now I know it is a possibility. Not sure if I can shell out the cash for a Mondial motor though.

I am thankful for David,it’s because of him, that whenever I turn on my windshield wipers with people in the car, I have something interesting to tell them...even if they have heard it before.

Do you have experience driving older model cruisers from the 90's that I still see driving around that still cost a fortune? If so, I am very interested to know a comparison of capabilities and overall fun factor.

Was a good episode...could have done without Paris Hilton though. When I think of American golf, I definitely don’t think of her.

Throw a turbo on that and DAMN!