The real hero of the show IMO is the McFly 4X4....damn that thing looks sexy.
The real hero of the show IMO is the McFly 4X4....damn that thing looks sexy.
Always listen to archer
My friend drove a Series I Disco all throughout college...I know what you mean. No way in hell the stock suspension would be able to handle that abuse without a major roll over.
Okay I will openly admit that I am super naive when it comes to F1 drivers or races or anything, but what is the deal with Fernando Alonso and the Jalop staff looking for any and every opportunity to write about him? Why is he so incredibly famous that there are three articles about him in a day? I understand giving…
I even love the clownshoe and this is a hardcore CP
*a hundred fuckin’ thousand dollar car
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck had a Corvette?
The air seepage is totally a thing! I was commenting on my friends green air stem caps and he informed me that his tires were filled with nitrogen. After making fun of him for getting something “performance” related for his Mercury Sable he told me that it was the only way to keep his new tires inflated. I can’t… obnoxious
We were ready to sign the dotted line on a new build, had already paid the lot fee and I retracted at the last minute becuse the house only had a two car garage and a half basement. I was willing to overlook the basement but for some reason the garage kept nagging at me. Probably because we were coming from a house…
quite possibly the worlds worst car washer...soap on the car not on your self. My two year old understands that concept better than she does.
loved his face at the awkward touch from Raphael while asking him to crack a nut with his neck.
The ease with which you [Jason] and your new friends draw these cars makes me envious. What seem like silly little doodles to you are works of art to me. Sadly, I was not blessed with an ability to draw, and anything that I did draw that was remotely considered “good” would take me about a month to complete.
I am in the market for a new car and I have had my sights set on the Subaru Legacy...I need something with a spacious back seat that can fit two car seats comfortably. I then thought...what about an Outback because it’s a wagon and who doesn’t like a wagon? Well then I thought, let’s look at the Forrester, they have…
I can remember having “strange” thoughts when I was a kid whenever those movies were played. I think I can thank James Bond for helping me realize that girls did in fact not have kooties...and if they did, they must be AWESOME!
I have seen way too many Mustang/Ford crash videos. I was expecting the signature three honks of the horn after this moron crashed.
What about when you Orlove your car? Having a heavy wooden deck pop out and have the potential to smack you in the head doesn’t sound very fun at all...
Since you have a hood ornament, maybe you should consider getting some mileage badges to go with it!
When I was rockin my ‘92 Explorer in the late 90's I totally wanted those split spoke American Racing wheels. They were the end-all be-all of custom wheels and they were so far out of reach for me that I would never be able to afford them. I am much older now and can have those wheels of my teen-age dreams...seeing…