
Is that $46,000 cost an average including all the a-symptomatic who don’t know they have it?

Maybe got a batch of arms with internal cracks in the aluminum billets used for forging? Used to engineer at a place that made those (not for tesla) and we had to sort a ton of inventory because someone turned the sensitivity way down on the ultra sonic testing machine because it was rejecting to many parts (looking

I need this to be 3 monitors wide.

Managing expectations is the key to a happy life. 

I ashamedly used to do this from time to time when I delivered pizzas.

Did everyone eat snow as a kid? Yes

They should draft kids straight out of high school and crush the NCAA

I never had any issue with the “Football Move” ruling.

I have a hard time remembering what I dream. For example when I wake up I don’t know if I even had a dream the night before. Will that be resolved by being more mindful or is there something else I need to do?