Kelly Cardigan

Sounds like somebody sucks at Junkrat, and has been reading Junkrat guides written by people who suck at Junkrat.

Junkrat is a wonderful, beautiful, dirty, dirty boy (and he definitely can counter both Tracer and Genji extremely effectively, if you bother to aim).

The fact that we are talking about one single female Overwatch player with “potential” to be in the Overwatch League is evidence of the rampant and overwhelming toxic and sexist environment that has sprouted in the Overwatch scene (a carryover from e-sports in general, but pretty acute in Overwatch, with toxic

You are correct. is the ACA/Obamacare enrollment website, and enrollment is open right now.

I started lifting weights and eating healthier foods and lost about 35lbs in 3.5 months while increasing the number of calories I was consuming daily slowly throughout that period. I have since taken up weightlifting and been in a few local and regional competitions, and with focused training gained about 5 lbs back

Yes, but on launch there were 12 wards with 30 houses each. Then they added 12 subdivisions with 30 lots each. There are 24 30 house + 90 apartment housing districts, or another way, 12 30 house + 180 apartment districts.

The wards were a separate patch and are an additional thing. You cannot walk from Ward 1 into Ward

There are actually 24. There are 12 Wards and 12 Subdivisions (with subdivisions being identical to wards.)

You can always join an FC with a house. That is the idea behind those activities being restricted to FCs with houses — to encourage players to be part of large, well-resourced FC communities.

ETA: Most of the issues around player housing are around personal housing. Often smaller FCs without houses will merge into

There are instanced apartments in this game. When they launched apartments there were 8640 available on each server (90 in each ward and each subdivision). On my server they have never capped.

It may have already happened, but they are supposed to eventually increase to 512 apartments per ward. That would mean a total

I have both a house and an apartment in this game. The only thing that apartments do not have that houses do is the exterior.

They are a bit smaller than the interior of a small house, but are about the size, maybe a little larger than a single story of the 2 story small house. Not bad for a flat.

For a very long time the issue was PS3 support. The game director would often talk about the things they wanted to do, and then say “but that would require too much memory.” That is, it would require too much memory to run on the PS3.

They finally ditched PS3 support with the latest expansion, but the game is getting

FFXIV DOES have instanced homes. There are apartments on every server. LOTS of apartments. In fact, there are now 8640 instanced apartments per server (90 apartments per building, 24 buildings per housing district, and 4 housing districts).

Maybe houses are cooler, but if you really want housing to decorate and play

The Gantz live action movies are very good!

I hope that they add cool pickups for deathmatch mode. As a friend of mine said, “It’s not deathmatch without pickups!”

I can imagine things like a damage boost, a defense booster and/or temporary shield, or even spendable CC or movement items.

Since it is only coming to Arcade, I tend to doubt they would put this much

This is a terrible idea. Even worse than adding skateboarding for 2020.
I say this as a gamer and esports fan who used to skateboard. Please no.

I love Halo Top, particularly because it has enough protein and little enough sugar that I can work it into my weightlifting nutrition program.

Don’t get me wrong, if Ben and Jerry’s made a protein supplemented “athlete’s ice cream” or something, I would be all about it, even if it were a zillion calories.


Nope. Not at all, and I am honest to goodness uncertain as to how you would land at that conclusion.

I don’t think you understand. I have diagnosed anxiety problems, which I alluded to in the article. It’s not that I don’t like social stuff, it is that social stuff makes parts of my brain shut down, which makes it hard to be successful at stuff. Group activities are sometimes actively bad for my mental well-being.


I am a 69kg right now, hovering right around 65kg actual bodyweight. In that first meet, I made the decision not to cut, since my main goal was just to participate and make a total. I am currently working hard to gain mass, though, so I will probably stay in the 69kg class moving forward as I keep building muscle.

Now playing

You’re right about the competition lifts! This was my second attempt on the snatch (you get three attempts at each lift in competitions). I attempted 50kg for my third attempt, a weight I had hit in training at that point. Unfortunately, I didn’t get under the bar fast enough and failed the lift when I couldn’t