Kellyanne Kanye

Occasionally Donald likes to apologize on behalf of the blacks for that whole, you know, being black situation they got going on. He's just gracious like that.

Actually, he calls it urban, uh, the urbans, well they're the inner cities, and they're just terrible, Kellyanne. Just terrible. The blacks, Kellyanne, they're killing each other. They're killing all the white people. We have to do something, Kellyanne, they're even worse than the Muslims. Sorry, what was the

Excuse me. Paul Ryan is a brilliant patriotic American. Unless Donald has started feuding with him in the last five minutes, in which case I never liked him and he's sold out the Republican Party to big donors.

I mean, duh.

When I read Donald's executive orders, I can hear the shrieks of a thousand demons torment me in my nightmares. Does that count?

Keep her away from my classy office on the second floor with it's anti-Trump defensive measures (stairs).

I did not have pounding relations with that butt.

That's a butt
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I wonder if he'll talk about being pounded in the butt by Hillary Clinton's 60 trillion missing emails?

I'm not sure if that's a criticism of my parodying skills or because my parody is painfully accurate.

Yeah, I figure that not bothering to hide how plastic and artificial this personality is really is the most in-character thing I could do.

Well, Bannon's working on a little project involving head measurement.

'The system broken, the school is closed, the prison's open' . . . because of the bankers and the corrupt liberal elites.

. . . damn dog. Innaprops.

I already had a regular account (Maryland Kid), but I'm too lazy to log out and back in.

Typical liberal hypocrisy. First the 'one drop rule' is super racist, except now apparently it's perfectly all right because liberals are using it. Please, explain to me how much Native American blood someone needs before it is appropriate to make racist jokes about them.

Maybe all the evidence got deleted alongside Hillary Clinton's 58 gazillion emails when she told Goldman Sachs that you were all deplorables at Benghazi.

Yes, I am indeed the source of both truth and ill' beats.

Dropping out of character again, but as a gay guy, I've seen a lot of guys dicks, but I haven't really noticed a correlation between that and personality. I have noticed that people who are bullies tend to be very insecure about their bodies, and by extension, are much more sensitive about their dick size, though.