Kellyanne Kanye

Ostensibly, yes.

I'd love to take credit for the pic, but dirtside gave it to me (in this thread, actually). But I appreciate the support! I'm just trying to figure out the right balance between Conway's roundabout way of speaking and the comedic need to make the jokes punchy.

The alien hair parasite living on Donald's head has asked me to let you know he's interested.

Reality has a well known liberal bias*

I guess it could charitably be called parody. In all fairness, I'm not very good at it.

Thank you! It seems that my strategy of being extremely lazy until someone else does my work for me has paid off once more!

. . . touche

I wonder if Twitter has ever heard of a little thing called Free Speech? The majority of Americans (3 million false California votes) want a President who will uphold our laws, and Donald Trump has already started by protecting the Constitution from the threat of qualified Judicial Interpretation

It may not be particularly clever, but in my defense, this is at least a better gimmick account than Kellyanne Conway is a Presidential advisor.

If the polls were correct, then why couldn't they predict that Donald Trump would win the election? #8millionvotes #landslide

Well, you know, that's actually a thing that I totally wanted to talk about. Because it seems like liberals get so upset when we honor a brave white man during black history month, but somehow it's not an issue when we talk about black people during white history month.

You know, I think the real question is why coastal liberal fake news finds it so offensive when someone is called a tranny. Out-of-touch democrats can't stop talking about those trannies when it comes to elitist issues like bathrooms and basic civil rights. Maybe that's why email-deleting Hillary Clinton lost the

I think Donald Trump is just trying to say that he wants to help the nation's working class by spending their tax dollars responsibly on things that will grow the economy like own his business interests and the Soylent Green research program. No use giving the poor inner city people higher wages and social services

Leave it to Democrat president Lincoln to be so surprised when a woman is good at her job. Let's talk about those 3.1 million potential terrorists that you set loose on America with your 'emancipation proclamation'.

You know, as the first woman to lead a winning major party campaign and the first to win 21 grammys in the category Rap/Hip-Hop, I find this offensive. Why all this fake news about Donald Trump hating women? Yes, Donald Trump hates some people, but leave it to the mainstream media to point out that this happens to

Typical elitist mainstream media spreading misinformation about Mr. Trump. Of course liberals support women when they vote for Democrats, but they never want to talk about empowered pro-Trump women. I'm proud to be the first vagina-having appointee to lead the Ministry of Truth. Thank you Mr. Trump.

A man playing Conway! What? That's ridiculous. I think the real question is why Hillary Clinton murdered all those people in Benghazi, but all the mainstream media wants to talk about is how I look like a 5 foot 10 inch black guy in a blond wig and heels.

I made the account. Donald Trump's promise to unite all Americans is what made it awesome.

I think what the mainstream media needs to ask is why is it such a bad thing for Donald Trump to establish a better international relationship with Russian urine?

Cosmopolitan Trump is illiterate in many languages. Leave it to the mainstream media to spin that as a bad thing.