You are AMAZING!! To not only go through that ordeal, but to have the courage to share your story on a comment feed with a bunch of people who don't even know you...that's awesome. Thanks so much for your story!! You are truly a strong woman!!
You are AMAZING!! To not only go through that ordeal, but to have the courage to share your story on a comment feed with a bunch of people who don't even know you...that's awesome. Thanks so much for your story!! You are truly a strong woman!!
Thank you for sharing such a horrendous and personal story; it's great to hear that you've moved on/gotten some sort of justice. And thanks so much for shedding some light on Barbara. Her big emphasis in this first Daily Mail interview is that she's destitute and homeless now – if you have an opinion, does that ring…
"In her office she proceeded to tell me that the rape was my own fault…" WOW.
I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.
Its fine that they didn't want to redact the boys' names (I commented on the other article that I didn't think they should be), but it would have been nice if they had redacted the names of the women involved, which are included they you actually read through the messages that they posted.
She PR'd by THREE MINUTES. That's insane! Just read that 7 of the 10 fastest women's times in Boston Marathon history were run today.
UPDATE VIA KINJA GUYS: Meb Keflezighi became the first American man to win the Boston Marathon since 1983.
You caught me out! I'm one of those rad-fems who thinks that when a woman is at a school talking about the importance of STEM careers, it's offensive and, frankly, fucking stupid to make a spectacle of her by asking her, publicly, to be your prom date. Essentially, what Pat said was: "Yeah, yeah, enough of the…
Jennifer (my name) was off-the-charts popular in the '70s, so that would put a good chunk of them squarely in the optimal mistress age in the '90s. I was born in '74 and would've been a coveted mistress age from 1992 (age 18) through 1999 (25).
Very true. Even in ancient Sparta, women weren't married until they were 18, because the Spartans had figured out that healthy women made healthy babies.
It has to come from within and the people running Nigeria are not going to do it. It's too hard and they probably think it's better just to leave it be.
Yes, I actually laugh when I hear people say we need to arm women to protect them from rapists. We would all be going to prison!
Society in general is brutal to women and girls who defend themselves with weapons of any kind. Men are allowed. Women, not so much.
Why? Do you think she's going to poison someone else? It sounds to me like she only poisons those who imprison/force her to cook for them/plan on raping her (again?)
Agreed. I also think it is worth mentioning that a likely uneducated girl didn't have many other options to defend herself besides using poisoning, and I'm glad she was able to get her hands on some poison. I doubt she could've run away and gotten very far before being returned to her "husband," where she'd probably…
She is a child who was just sold into sexual slavery. The last thing she needs is to be punished.
Could you try harder next time? Thanks.
I come from one of those poor Rural places, stop the generalizations. Her family fucking fail her. One of the first source of income in those rural places is farming. They could have had her at the farm like most people in those rural places do. But no they prefer marrying a child to this man.
If I was basically sold as a sexual slave I'm pretty sure I would fight my captor with violence too. I hope the girls situation and age is taken into consideration when they prosecute her.