ComplicatedBroad (nee kell)

While it's sad when any couple separates - especially if there are kids - asking for privacy while announcing it on your ridiculous, attention-seeking blog seems a little rich to me.

We don't and never will.

What the hell is up with the trolls today?! Is it because of new Kinja? The percentage of stupid seems to have doubled overnight.

I don't think that's what they meant. In the entertainment business (and perhaps life in general) you need to be good to keep getting jobs, but in order to be seen you need an open door, and for every door that opens for a woman like Gabourey Sidibie, there are dozens of other doors already open for women like Emma

Thank you. Not EVERY dumbass opinion on the internet deserves a response.

If you're so hyped on this YOU DO YOU BOO BOO mentality Pharrell, why the fuck are you speaking words about what I need to do? Like I get that you don't subscribe to certain things but know that in this world of under representation your actions are important. You choose how positive they can be. So instead of being

Idk. I understand Pharrell's perspective that we as black women shouldn't care about being represented because we are beautiful and strong, but I think he doesn't really realize the injustice hes doing by making these types of statements.

Here you go spouting that knowledge. You know damn well that folks don't like facts n shit.

Not to mention, he completely misses the entire point of the actual criticism. It's about needing him to represent us at all. But when you label something girls, and not a single girl is darker than a paper bag, it implies that any woman darker does not deserve the label. And it ties into deeply ingrained issues with

This is my first Jezebel comment and I joined strictly to be able to comment on this. If anyone wants to be in touch with me for confirmation that this happened just leave a comment and I'll find you. The culture of the police department & medical care in that area is monumentally vile and exactly as this person

The same thing would have happened to a lot of us, especially if we're socialized to trust "friends"/people they'll have to encounter every day, and be "nice". I can COMPLETELY see myself in your situation; he exploited a kind woman for violence. Period. If you hadn't complied with him, who knows what he could have

I am so glad that you are okay and doing better now. I know it's easy to say, but please don't blame yourself or dwell on what you could have done differently. That guy is a monster and sadly if it hadn't been then he might have tried it another time. From what you said he sounds like a predator and clearly has

Finally, the fuckmat has allowed me to "discuss" without the piggyback work-around of replying to someone else's post. Yay. Who knows what changed.


I hope that she is getting some mental health treatment. I was sexually assaulted as a teen, and now understand that I had PTSD that went untreated (1970's, ya know.) Her mind will need healing too, to avoid ongoing trauma. And all those folks who ignored her pleas for help - it breaks my heart.

You are clearly optimistic enough for anger.

Many celebrities "dabble" in what you call "international issues." Clooney's not a dabbler, and it's got nothing to do with goddamn Save Darfur. Clooney founded the hugely influential and respected monitoring organization The Satellite Sentinel Project, which tracks troop movements and threats to human security in

A curtain of hair shields his gentle ears from all criticism. Only praise can breech the hommebré.

Maybe because the problem you're describing isn't about abortion itself, but about disproportionate rates of poverty amongst black women, a lack of access to education, healthcare and birth control, and few resources once you do give birth - all things that "urban black leadership" address repeatedly. But I'm sure