
That is because women are not the problem here, men are. We need to stop encumbering women’s progress by speaking for them. Men speaking for women is an ages-old tradition. Just a few decades ago it was considering acceptable and chivalrous for men to order for women at restaurants. Things are finally changing and we

I agree completely. We need to really hone in on one key concept: deference.

The experience of men and women may overlap by about 15% but no more than that. We men have had the advantage in every facet of life spanning hundreds of generations. If we ever want to give women the chance at life they have deserved for so long, we need to realize that fact. We need to admit it. And we need to

Believe me, I do.


Please adjust your tone on this article. Your aggression is exactly why Sen McCaskill needs to say what she said.

I am a man and I completely agree with this.

Well that is definitely true.

Yes exactly. Maybe it’s because I can’t tell the difference between any of those that I thought they were lying. God I hope not. I was really rude to one of them. I told her that “It smells very strong of perfume in this store.” I was trying to in a very subtle way indicate that I found it hard to believe she could

I was at Sephora recently looking for a charcoal face mask [Origins - best for the money] and yeah, it was hands down a good experience. The only thing that was weird was that all the little shopkeepers kept telling me that I smelled good even though the whole place reeked of cheap perfume and nobody could smell

Too skinny.

Haha thanks, but I probably won’t be showing my genital to the nail salon workers. The first time anyway ;)

But more people have heard of SWM rape culture now. Ten years ago you could have asked a random person on the street if they knew what The Patriarchy was. Nobody would have known. These days The Patriarchy is part of casual conversation across the country.

I don’t agree with you really. I think that we need objective eyes out there that are willing to report on things that get ignored by the mainstream media.

She doesn’t need to apologize. She represents something much bigger than just her job. She represents the movement against SWM rape culture.

Flagged for hate speech.

Maybe because this is part of a coordinated attempt to discredit the movement against SWM rape culture? This is just one piece of a larger puzzle. We can’t let them win a single battle along the way. Rolling Stone should fight this.

Excuse me? You cannot label me that way.

Rolling Stone should countersue.

Cool thanks. This makes me feel better. I’m a guy, not a woman. I’m not sure if that makes a difference. Maybe my feet are more gross than you assumed.