
Worried about hangnails...

And you’re offensive. This conversation is over unless you start being respectful towards me.

I’ve always wanted to get a pedicure, but I’m too embarrassed to go an show off my feet to strangers. I always think they will find them gross.

For condoning, sponsoring, and supporting racism at the University of Missouri.

I want to know how Ben Carson got into medical school. He just seems so dumb. He must have had help and known someone in admissions or something.

Please stop denying me my right to have a real conversation. I will dismiss your comments if I have to but just realize that it doesn’t make me feel good to silence others and will only do so if there is a real threat to my own well-being. I consider your actions thus far threatening and will dismiss any further

You are making me anxious when you use strong words like that. I’m going to have to ask you to stop using that kind of language. It’s threatening.

Can you say Christmas-Present-For-My-Mom?

Well, hijabs are a type of burka. It might be spelled burqa, actually. Anyway, the nuns looks worse in my opinion. They look like school teachers while the burqa makes you look sort of holy.

To me it’s terrorism, and I bet it’s terrorism to a lot of other folks out there.

Yeah there is 2 G’s in it. Thanks for reminder about it.

I guess, but still too dangerous for me. It’s needs to be a little safer and then I will probably go.

It most def is terrorism. What is more terrible than having a government agent sterilize you on purpose?

Please stop trolling me. Everytime I see that avatar pop up now I get anxious.

Just don’t see that happening in Canada but I guess I’ll believe it if all of you are saying that Canadians did it. Makes me think they’re just like Americans though.

Nice! Also, dangerous. Personally I would go to the South of France or Monaco instead. Similar beaches but much less cartel violence.

Nuns dress pretty much the same as Muslim women with the burkas or whatever. Always confused me why people think dressing in burkas is so bad. The women choose to wear them, just like nuns. It’s just another outfit. Anyway, I can’t talk about Obamacare anymore so this is what I thought of when I saw the pic.

I thought Eugenics was that BS Scientology theory. Anyway, this is pretty gross all this sterilization stuff. It’s like from a movie.

Nice. What are you doing on your next vacation? Hopefully it’s pretty close.

1) Says the Herman Cain supporter...