
This picture makes me wish I was a homosexual.

Bradd Pitt is great.


I refuse to acknowledge your legitimacy.

My post was not offensive, your post was offensive. Your post was abusive and threatening and I refuse to take you seriously until you change your behaviour towards me and towards women.

Your questions are purposefully distractive of the real issue of female objectification and the much bigger issue of men speaking for, and over, women.

The graphic description of oral sex is objectifying the woman no matter which way you slice it. I flagged it for targeted harrassment.

I flagged your comment for harrassment. It’s up to Gawker what to do with you next.

Your tone is offensive, threatening, and very obviously not appreciated. That you even have to use a tone like that shows everyone how weak your supposed “argument” actually is.


Tired of men telling women they need to boost their horniness.

Indeed. I was thinking you meant she shaved it all completely off. I think that was popular in the 1990s but not so much now. I’m not sure when this “painting” was created.

I’m sorry I did not know.

Just because I corrected you about your hateful speech you now call me a troll? Figures.

I’ve never seen Seinfeld, but this is definitely the definition of objectification and given that you can make out pubic hair, it’s porn.

You have a sexist username.

Buckwheat? Some probably find this racist. As a Mexican I implicitly do, so a couple terms you could have used instead would be: shag carpet, cat, dog, aardvark [funny!], or wooly mammoth.

170M for porn. This sort of “classic” objectification of women should be burned not bought.

??? She has hair down there it looks like.
