I get a little tired of the LGBTQ community defining everything in relation to being LGBTQ. Bert & Ernie aren’t gay. They’re T(-.-T) MUPPETS. It’s not as if there are other Muppet couples banging away on screen. THEY’RE NOT GAY THEY’RE MUPPETS
I get a little tired of the LGBTQ community defining everything in relation to being LGBTQ. Bert & Ernie aren’t gay. They’re T(-.-T) MUPPETS. It’s not as if there are other Muppet couples banging away on screen. THEY’RE NOT GAY THEY’RE MUPPETS
Try this reason on for size:
The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.
I started D&D on the first edition when I was twelve. I happen to be female. It was our habit to draw a representation of our characters and use them as screens so that other players couldn’t see your notes / character sheets. Myself and the other female player always drew our characters (not well) in the usual half…
The thing about the Walking Dead, is that all of the characters are stupid (ALL OF THEM), and the plot is dependent on keeping them stupid (because zombies are slow).
Hey...guys? Um, Bill Clinton isn’t running for President. You know that...right?
Mig-21s are still in wide use. Many have been retrofitted with modern avionics, too.
I don't disagree, but it just rubbed me wrong, and seemed completely unnecessary.
"the moment when the lid was welded above their heads must have been a bit depressing"
Well, the point was to sneak aircraft undetected across the ocean and bomb the Panama Canal. They never really got around to doing that.
I didn't suggest it first, but I feel like the Japanese Aircraft Carrier Subs totally should have made this list.