Scott Kellogg

That kind of goes with something my wife says sometimes:

PC fascism has taken over Star Trek.

Whole lot of Race Baitin’ goin’ on.

Yes, Dogs smile, and it does mean they’re happy.

Dogs express emotions as varied as humans do.

So, he is accused of doing all those things, and then she brought him gifts and they were friends for 10 years before she decided it was rape?

Why would Bruce Banner be so uncontrollably angry that he would stay as the hulk, even when asleep?

Looks like someone tried to make the Galaxy Quest TV show.

If you wanted scary costumes, they should have gone with more of a burka design.

My wife makes the point that giving your child a name they’re going to be teased for is child abuse.

Why are the British protesting American budget decisions?

You mean you’re instinctively afraid of people who dress differently and don’t look like you?

His last stories?

It was Clowns that made Hillary Lose!

If this was Obama you’d have said how cool it was that he was watching Star Wars.

The Batmobile has a back seat?!?

As a cartoonist, I can tell you, you can’t please everyone.

The Essay complains about oversimplification.

To work, Star Trek desperately needs a sense of humor.

I can’t think of a reason in the world why you would need or want a Gaston Prequel.