I think, for me, it was just the bizarre sensation of actually being aware of feeling my heartbeat and worrying about that, which subsequently makes my heart race...And so on, so forth, lol.
I think, for me, it was just the bizarre sensation of actually being aware of feeling my heartbeat and worrying about that, which subsequently makes my heart race...And so on, so forth, lol.
There’s probably something to that, actually. Most of my usage took place after my HS boyfriend (who was an enthusiastic smoker) died in a car crash. I hadn’t really done it much at all while he was alive.
I made that mistake once and ended up doing (what I thought was) a very nonchalant walk across my friend’s yard to puke on a tree.
Ditto... I’ve done very scientific experiments with multiple strains/mechanisms of ingestion, and they all result in paranoia, racing heart, generalized uncool feelings, etc.
You should totally be proud! When I was little, my grandparents were all “Grampa/Grama (name)“ except for my maternal grandmother who was “Edder (other) Grama”. She was my favorite and I put her into a whole other category of grandmother :)
I know, right? I can barely call my father dad without feeling weird. I stick with Pops, mostly because I find it funny for some reason.
Totally this. I moaned about my common-ass name through adolescence, until I realized that it essentially made me un-Googleable. This is my goal for any future hypothetical spawn.
Funny related anecdote: I have a grown, 25ish year old cousin named Afton. My grandfather couldn’t get her name right for shit, and thus called her Afghan until the day he died.
Maybe they’re still referring to hard liquor as *winkwink* cough medicine, Prohibition-style, and the state is like “Welp, they’re a drug store, so that totally checks out.”
Too many Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters, for sure.
This is a most excellent piece by a former military member who agrees with you.
I’m imagining the mental process of choosing one...
Omg... The fifi.
I’ve even had good luck using BB as a facial moisturizer. I only do that in the winter when my face is threatening to crack and fall off, but it works wonderfully and even seems to chill out my teenage throwback acne.
I use Bag Balm the same way! It’s miraculous.
This. When I was living in West Texas, the majority of my co-workers and patients were native Spanish speakers. I ended up learning Spanish myself, and after being immersed in the language day in day out for two years, I ended up speaking English with the same rhythm and intonation.
Starred for your use of one of my favorite anatomical terms.
She’s basically America’s Mom’s Cool Friend who gives you realistic life advice and listens to all the things you’d never talk to Mom about.