Samesies! Both me and my brother grew up basically feral during the summer. Between running barefoot through the horse pasture and impromptu creek walking, I'm sure we got exposed to plenty o' pathogens.
Samesies! Both me and my brother grew up basically feral during the summer. Between running barefoot through the horse pasture and impromptu creek walking, I'm sure we got exposed to plenty o' pathogens.
I've done almost this exact thing since I was little! I'd twirl my hair into a cylinder, tie it in a knot, then rub it or "click" it with my fingernails. When I was younger, I'd frequently use my teeth, but I started getting grossed out by the slobbery pieces touching my face and chilled with that.
Yes! This!
Moths are inexplicably squicky and terrifying. I blame a misreading of a book about bugs,etc when I was a little, in which I interpreted the death's head moth's name to mean 'Moth That Is HBIC of All Other Moths , Among Which Exists a Complicated Hierarchy Of Comparatively Lesser Deadliness', rather than 'Moth Which…
Go team! It could be that I've just never encountered organ meats that weren't ickily prepared, or that being a nurse makes one way too familiar with organ functions.
I had this exact thought. I hung out in a bar quite a bit when I was little, albeit also a restaurant, that friends' of my parents owned. Probably a bad decision on the Dad's part in retrospect, but I learned to make a mean Shirley Temple and played pool like a champ until I grew and forgot where my limbs were. I…
Sorry, the mental image of the throat-roach gave me the ralphs a bit.
Ugh. I'm still stuck in scrub, and while I feel that my scrub game is solid, my other clothing consists pretty much of yoga (Read: Sittin' On Ass ) pants, jeans, and riding breeches. Going somewhere adult and fancyish usually results in me making panicky combos of all of the above and sending pics to friends who…
My mom is adopted, so maybe they are! :-)
Ikr? I believe my Dad's exact words re sex were: "Hell, it's fun, which is why people do it. I don't want to see or hear about it, but if you feel the need to do it, just don't be stupid. Don't make me a grandpa just yet."
I grew up on a working pig farm, so my ma I think knew there wasn't much point in trying to shield us from sex-type knowledge. We knew where babies came from pretty early, and despite how badly ma really wanted to be a Good Church Lady at that point, she's kind of a weirdo at heart, so we watched shit like Gilda Live,…
You took the words out of my mouth. If you're old enough for the concept of breasts to be titillating/sexual, you're old enough to know touching a stranger's is NOT OK, and are thus deserving of any throat punches which result from doing so. (Disclaimer: All my parenting theory is based on horse training, in which…
I got assaulted by an inmate at work. (I'm a corrections nurse in a city jail.) Dude jumped across the table when I was attempting to do his intake assessment with literally no provocation and punched me at least 6 or 7 times in the face/body before help heard me yelling and pulled him off of me still swinging.
Was it the poster of him sitting in a chair wearing some ridiculous shirt and with his leg crossed/propped into some impossible position? Because if so, you might be me from a parallel universe.
I love how the people I grew up with in So. Ill have deluded themselves into believing that someone who has the ability to drop 25 million on a campaign is in any way, shape, or form concerned with the issues that affect regular lower-middle class people.
The sad part is that most of the downstate voters that allowed Rauner to win are more than likely employed by the state via the Dept of Corrections or otherwise. They are some of the ones who will be targeted the hardest by Rauner's promise to eliminate collective bargaining, unions, et al, and they freaking handed…
Rauner sucks so hard that my generally right-leaning BF voted for Quinn. That's a pretty sound endorsement of his suckitude in my book.
Ditto. Mine generally involved me being in my bed, in my room, with everything as it should be except for what feels like a demonic/something evil presence in the room.
Some memorable episodes have involved demon cats spontaneously generating on my floor, walls breathing, and a horrifying entity wearing something that…